
Displaying 6221 - 6230 of 14390

Helen Buckley, Morag McArthur, Tim Moore, Erica Russ, Tania Withington - Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children ,

This chapter from the book Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children, drawing on recent international empirical research, illustrates the perspectives of key stakeholders in the child welfare and protection services: Children, caregivers and practitioners. It shows that while there is an awareness of what children and families require in order to lead supported and healthy lives, the current system is challenged in its attempts to adequately address their needs due to its forensic and highly regulated orientation.

Nico Trocmé, Tonino Esposito, Barbara Fallon, Martin Chabot, Ashleigh Delaye - Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children,

The purpose of this chapter from the book Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children is to document and discuss the conceptual, methodological, ethical, and infrastructure related issues that arise in supporting the research needs of child welfare organizations in Canada in order to implement evidence-based practice models, while providing examples of the usefulness and challenges of using administrative child welfare data to inform policies and programs.

Amy Conley Wright and Melissa Kaltner - Child Maltreatment,

This chapter from the book Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children considers how the outcomes of alternative care and treatment in child protection can be assessed and the potential promise of public health approaches to child maltreatment.

Martin Chulov - The Guardian,

"Yazidi survivors groups have embraced a decision by the community’s elders to allow children who are the result of rape by members of Islamic State to return with their Yazidi mothers to their homelands in Iraq," says this article from the Guardian.

Eve S. Puffer, Elsa A. Friis-Healy, Ali Giusto, Sofia Stafford, David Ayuku - Global Social Welfare,

This paper describes the development of an evidence-informed family therapy intervention designed for lay counselor delivery in low-resource settings and presents findings on the feasibility and acceptability of implementation in Kenya.

Sendrine Constant, Balwant Godara, Thierry Agagliate, Nihaalini Kumar, Amara Amara - International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries,

This paper presents an overview of ChildHub, a peer learning and capacity-building network for child protection professionals initially developed and deployed in South-East Europe, and outlines a proposal for contextualizing ChildHub to Africa and South Asia.

Kirsten Gray - The Guardian,

"Do we ever ask if we are really giving these kids a better life? Many of us grow up locked in a cycle of depression and pain," says Kirsten Gray in this opinion piece for the Guardian.

Tsitsi Singizi - UNICEF,

This article from UNICEF describes some of the devastating aftermath of Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe, including the children who lost one or both parents in the natural disaster.

Eric Rosenthal - Disability Rights International, European Network on Independent Living, Validity Foundation, and TASH,

This position paper outlines the position of Disability Rights International, European Network on Independent Living, and TASH on residential care and the right of all children to live and grow up in a family.

Carmen Monico, Karen Rotabi, Yvonne Vissing, Justin Lee - Journal of Human Rights and Social Work,

This article examines the situation of minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras who have been forcibly separated from their parents at the southwestern US border.