
Displaying 6741 - 6750 of 14392

Severine Chevrel - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action commissioned this project to gather and draft key lessons learned on the Case Management Supervision and Coaching initiative. Key questions that the Task Force wanted to address included feedback on the interagency country collaboration, the effectiveness of the localization approach, the successes and challenges of roll-outs in the eight participating countries, and the impact on case management teams’ supervision practices.

Enakshi Ganguly - HAQ: Centre for Child Rights,

This report, which is also the fifth in the series, reflects on how children and the realisation of their rights continue to challenge our conscience even today.

Radu Comşa, Oana Ganea, Ştefan Dărăbuş - Hope and Homes for Children,

This study analyzes longitudinal statistics from 18 years of Hope and Homes for Children programs in Romania to demonstrate the cost savings and ability to support a higher number of children at risk if the state were to invest money into programs that allow children to remain in a family environment, rather than be placed in institutional care.

Hans B. Bergsund, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Heidi Jacobsen - Child & Family Social Work,

The study included 60 foster children and 42 children living in biological families as a comparison group. Caregiver stress was measured using the Parenting Stress Index, while child problem behavior was measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.

Sheng, Yingyan - Kent State University,

This dissertation examines the communication between left-behind children in China and their migrant parents from the three-level perspective of relational maintenance (Dainton, 2003): the self, the system, and the network contexts.

Vida Gudzinskiene and Rita Raudeliunaite - Int. Conf. SOCIETY. HEALTH. WELFARE,

The aim of the study is to reveal challenges and the ways to overcome them in the context of the restructuring of childcare, based on the experience of social workers who work in children’s care homes in Lithuania, which participate in the restructuring.

Veljko Turanjanin - Yearbook - Human Rights Protection: Protection of the Rights of the Child “30 Years After the Adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child” Number 2,

In this article, the author deals with one of the most problematic issues of the migrant crisis, namely the deprivation of liberty of a unaccompanied migrant minor in his or her migrant journey.

Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich - Manitoba Law Journal,

Adolescents who are involved with child welfare systems, either in foster care or under child welfare supervision, across Canada, disproportionately “cross-over” to youth criminal justice proceedings. This article critically considers disadvantages “cross-over” youths face under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA).

Dorottya Szikra, Rahmeth Radjack, Kossigan Kokou-Kpolou, Thierry Baubet, Marie Rose Moro - L'information psychiatrique,

This study explores conceptions of the notion of unaccompanied minors (UM) in Senegal and analyzes the resources and coping mechanisms of these minors when confronted with migratory traumas.

Independent Review of Aboriginal Children in OOHC Team,

This Review is aimed at examining the high rates of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care (OOHC) in New South Wales (NSW), Australia and the implementation of the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle (ACPP) in this jurisdiction.