
Displaying 8621 - 8630 of 14395

Woods, Ruth & Henderson, Gillian - Adoption and fostering,

The current study addressed gaps in research on early out of home care and permanency planning through a comparison of two samples of children in Scotland: 110 children born in 2003, and 117 born in 2013, all of whom were placed under compulsory measures of supervision prior to three years of age.

Amanda Nurcombe‐Thorne, Varoshini Nadesan, Adrian DuPlessis van Breda - Child & Family Social Work,

This article examines the care experiences of former looked‐after children from a residential care setting in South Africa.

Luca Fazzi - Child & Family Social Work,

The article presents the results of an empirical pilot study carried out on a sample of 24 child protection social workers employed in four public agencies in Italy.

Cyril Bennouna, Hanna-Tina Fischer, Michael Wessells and Neil Boothby - International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition,

This article reviews recent evidence from a range of disciplines to inform efforts to adapt to changes in the global political environment, trends in armed conflict and displacement, and advances in science and technology, especially as they relate to the protection of children.

Ingunn Skjesol Bulling & Berit Berg - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper presents the results of a qualitative study based on in‐depth interviews and participant observation in 3 Norwegian family centres.

Delphine Levrouw, Rudi Roose, Peer van der Helm, Eefje Strijbosch, Stijn Vandevelde - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes what could be learned from a project focused on monitoring the living group climate in a residential youth care service in Flanders, Belgium.

Becci A. Akin, Michelle Johnson‐Motoyama, Sharah Davis, Megan Paceley, Jody Brook - Child & Family Social Work,

This study sought to understand parents' experiences of the supports and barriers to engagement in an evidence‐based parenting intervention (EBPI).

Leslie Butt & Jessica Ball - Population, Space and Place,

This multimethod qualitative study in 4 high‐migration communities in East Lombok, Indonesia, explored the strategic actions migrant parents take regarding birth registration.

Emma Colvin, Kath McFarlane, Alison Gerard, Andrew McGrath - The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice,

This article presents qualitative data from interviews with 46 welfare and justice professionals to examine the criminalisation of children who go missing within the Out‐Of‐Home‐Care (OOHC) residential environment.

Nigel Cantwell and Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This article looks at how the orphanage industry serves to tear families apart in order to ‘create orphans’, and argues that convincing foreign contributors to withdraw their support will be key to stopping the ‘orphanage industry’ from flourishing.