
Displaying 9691 - 9700 of 14401

Susan Collings, Rebekah Grace, Gwynnyth Llewellyn - Journal in Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities,

This paper presents a study in which seven children aged 7–11 years whose mother have intellectual disabilities took part in semi-structured interviews to explore their experiences with social support services and formal supports.

4 News,

Alex Renton discusses his book Stiff Upper Lip, which documents the years of physical abuse he endured while attending boarding school.

Free Malaysia Today,

NGO head states that he was abused in a government run orphanage and now has proof to act against his alleged perpetrators. 

Rohmatin Bonasir - BBC,

This story from the BBC features Indonesia's left behind children.

DailyNews Hungary,

DailyNews Hungary reports Hungary plans to begin transitioning children out of institutional care into foster homes beginning in 2018.

Sajeda Chowdhury, Abu Sayeed Chowdhury, KATM Ehsanul Huq, Yasmin Jahan, Rubana Chowdhury, Toufiq Ahmed, Md Moshiur Rahman - Scientific Research Publishing,

This cross-sectional descriptive study found that poverty is the main reason children stay and work on the street.  

Society for Research in Child Development,

The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) is inviting submissions for the 2017 Biennial Meeting to be held April 6 - 8, 2017 at the Austin Convention Center and the Hilton Austin Hotel in Austin, Texas, USA. 

Real Stories,

This documentary from 'Real Stories' tells the stories of three young adults who were born in Romania and spent their early years in large-scale institutions.

Michelle S. Ballan, Molly Burke Freyer - Disability and Health Journal,

This article explores sexuality education and sexual healthcare for female adolescents in foster care with ID/DD and recommends practice guidelines to support and prepare their emergent sexual development.


BBC reports the minister of social welfare, his deputy, and the director of Virgen de Asuncion have been charged with negligent homicide.