
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 173,620,000
  • Population under 15: 46%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 52.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 152 out of 187
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 3.2%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.6 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 19%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 49%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, UNAIDS, DHS 2013

Displaying 2051 - 2060 of 14391

Josephine Anthony,

In this best practice article, the challenges faced by these children with disabilities and the potential for inclusion within the CCI are discussed based on the field action project intervention of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, with selected government CCIs. The article suggests a multi-pronged intervention approach for the Children with disability (CWD) at the levels of the individual CWD, peer group, CCI and the juvenile justice (JJ) System, which are together recognised as the stakeholders of an ‘inclusive ecosystem’. The article arrives at the ‘Inclusive Ecosystem Model of Rehabilitation’ by drawing from the individual–environment interaction model of disability.

Leena Hill - The Hill ,

Around the world, over 80 percent of children in orphanages have at least one living parent. So how do these children end up in orphanages rather than with their families? Unfortunately, there are countless families across the globe who face circumstances like the death of a parent, the loss of a job, or conflict that that threaten to separate them. 


The Canadian government has agreed to pay more than $30 billion to compensate Indigenous children who were taken away from their families and put into the child welfare system.

Mahila Parishad - The Daily Star,

A total of 3,703 incidents of torture and sexual violence against children and women took place across the country between January and December 2021, revealed a report of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad yesterday.

CBC News,

A Manitoba advocate for First Nations kids in care hopes a compensation agreement for those hurt by the child welfare system will benefit thousands of children in the province and lead to long-term reform. 

Laura Sharman - LocalGov,

Published by the Commission on Young Lives at the end of last year, the report finds the current care system is actually handing over some children to criminals by moving them away from their families and placing them in accommodation that puts them at risk of harm.

The Australian,

Parents and families, communities and governments too often are failing in their duty of care to vulnerable children, sometimes with tragic consequences. In Queensland, observers following the issue are waiting for the Palaszczuk government to release the first annual report by the Child Death Review Board that it was handed in October last year.

David Leonhardt - New York Times,

For the past two years, large parts of American society have decided harming children was an unavoidable side effect of COVID-19. And that was probably true in the spring of 2020, when nearly all of society shut down to slow the spread of a deadly and mysterious virus. But the approach has been less defensible for the past year and a half, as more is now known about both COVID and the extent of children’s suffering from pandemic restrictions.

Qishin Tariq - The Star,

Malaysian children, especially teenagers, are becoming anxious and depressed from spending too much time online with classes and socialising limited mostly there, a new study finds.

Jonah Kirabo - Nile Post News (Kampala),

"To the owners of schools, please be honest, do not gamble with the lives of children. If you have any positive cases, please declare them to their parents," Kirunda said.