
Displaying 10901 - 10910 of 14435

Tilahun Girma, Retrak,

The goal of this final evaluation is to build on the mid-term review of a 3-year pilot community project established to address some of the push factors that were leading many children to come to the city of Addis Ababa from Ethiopia’s southern region (SNNPR). 

Matthis Schick, Verena Schönbucher, Markus A. Landolt, Ulrich Schnyder, Wenjie Xu, Thomas Maier, Meichun Mohler-Kuo,

This article discusses how prevalence rates of child maltreatment (CM) can differ substantially between countries and ethnicities

This article highlights how inter-generational practices of love, care and solidarity are central to the negotiation of belonging in the settlement country. 

Jeanette Cossar, Marian Brandon and Peter Jordan - Child and Family Social Work,

This paper presents findings from a qualitative study exploring the views of 26 children, aged 6–17 years, about their participation in the child protection system in England.

David Berridge - Child and Family Social Work,

 This paper builds on a recent evaluation of the piloting of the continental European model of social pedagogy (SP) in English residential care. It does three things: it considers the theoretical social policy literature on policy transfer and its implications; discusses European residential care for children and the discipline of SP; and reflects on these debates and the situation of children's residential care in England. 

Julie Ridley, Cath Larkins, Nicola Farrelly, Shereen Hussein, Helen Austerberry, Jill Manthorpe and Nicky Stanley - Child and Family Social Work,

 This paper uses findings from interviews with 169 children and young people across 11 local authorities in England and 5 Social Work Practices (SWPs), undertaken as part of a 3-year national matched control evaluation of pilot SWPs, to identify key elements of good quality practitioner relationships with children or young people.

Marta Reinoso, Noemí Pereda, Linda Van den Dries and Carlos G. Forero - Child and Family Social Work,

This study examined stress, coping and psychological adjustment of 68 children, aged 8–12, who were internationally adopted to Spain. 

FORS‐Recherche Sociale et Régis Sécher (ARIFTS),

La question spécifique de l'entourage familial des enfants placés dans le cadre de la protection de l'enfance apparaît tout particulièrement complexe et intéressante. Dans la plupart des études jusqu'à présent menées, seule la question du rapport aux institutions des parents d'enfants placés est réellement abordée. En revanche, les questions relatives aux trajectoires individuelles des membres de l'entourage familial des enfants placés dans le cadre la protection de l'enfance, à leur vécu et expérience, au de ressenti de leur situation, aux rapports avec leur entourage et réseau social, et enfin à leur besoin de visibilité et de reconnaissance ne sont pas traitées ni analysées, et méritent une attention particulière. C'est pourquoi l'Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale français a commandé une recherche exploratoire sur le sujet, dont les résultats sont ici présentés.


Dini, M et Meunier, M.,

Le Sénat francais examine la  proposition de loi visant à renforcer la protection de l’enfant, adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale. Cette proposition de loi prévoit de renforcer et d'améliorer la loi de 2007 réformant la protection de l’enfance. 

Missing Children Europe,

The objective of the project is to reduce the numbers of unaccompanied children who go missing. This project addresses how the issue of the disappearance of an unaccompanied child is tackled in different Member States and promotes promising strategies and behaviours related to the prevention and response to disappearances.