
Displaying 10961 - 10970 of 14435

ACCI Missions and Relief,

This tool was designed to help those seeking to assist Christian faith-based actors involved in long-term residential care programs make the transition from institutional to non-institutional (family and community-based) child welfare programs. It was written to give some insight into what this journey called ‘deinstitutionalisation’ might look like and what steps and processes might be involved. Whilst it contains a brief overview of the technical stages, its main purpose is to guide you through the process of achieving buy-in and is not intended to be a technical deinstitutionalisation manual.

Hope and Homes for Children,

To obtain complete data on the child protection system and related problems in Ukraine, Hope and Homes for Children conducted a comprehensive study of the child protection system in Ukraine during the 2015 - 2016 time period. To ensure the integrity of the data, the structure of the study included components focused on different levels of the child protection system in Ukraine (national, regional and rayon), and combined both quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods. The system of institutional care was the main focus of the study.

Republic of Moldova,

În temeiul prevederilor alineatului (1) al articolului 12 din Legea nr.140 din 14 iunie 2013 privind protecția specială a copiilor aflați în situație de risc și a copiilor separați de părinți (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2013, nr.167-

Republic of Moldova,

În temeiul prevederilor punctului 89 din Strategia pentru protecţia copilului pe anii 2014-2020, aprobată prin Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 434 din 10 iunie 2014 (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2014, nr. 160-166, art.

Monica Campo and Joanne Commerford - Child Family Community Australia information exchange, Australian Institute of Family Studies,

This paper examines international and Australian literature to identify the key areas of support that may help young people to successfully transition from care.

Garazi Zulaika and Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This series of country briefs aims to provide an analysis of children’s living and care arrangements according to the latest available data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS) at the time of publication. 

Garazi Zulaika and Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This country brief is part of a series that aims to provide an analysis of children’s living and care arrangements according to the latest available data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS) at the time of publication. 

Sophie Busi, in close collaboration with the National Council for Children (NCC), the AfriChild centre, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBoS), and UNICEF,

Although not conclusive or exhaustive, this agenda represents a bold attempt to identify and prioritise key areas/research themes stemming from the Situation Analysis (2015) and other available evidence on the status of children in Uganda.

Hope and Homes for Children,

This publication includes common questions and answers on the implications of institutional care and why it should be ended. 

Capacity Building Center for States,

The Parent Partner Program Navigator guides child welfare administrators, staff, and parent leaders through key components of designing and implementing successful parent partner programs. Developed collaboratively with experienced parent partners and program coordinators, the Navigator offers guidance and capacity building resources based on research, practice experience, and implementation science.