
Displaying 11091 - 11100 of 14433

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

This report presents data on the total number of adoptions in the United States as well as the number of public, intercountry, and other adoptions covering 2008 to 2012.

UNICEF France,

25 experts ont accepté de partager le fruit de leur réflexion afin de questionner l’effectivité des droits des enfants en France, en 2015. La seule réflexion qui doit guider pouvoirs publics comme société civile est finalement bien celle qui conduit à mesurer les écarts entre les droits formels et les droits réels des enfants


This report describes the situation and experience of families during the economic crisis and examines how family-focused policies have changed since 2010 in the European Union.

Kristen E. Cheney and Karen Smith Rotabi,

This chapter first traces the etymology of the definition of “orphan” and its attendant “crises.” Then, using examples from Guatemala and Uganda, the authors consider how the idea of an “orphan crisis” has traveled from development to charitable responses and what effects this has on local child protection systems.

Angela Kyzer; Leanne Whiteside-Mansell; Lorraine McKelvey; Taren Swindle,

This study was carried out in rural Arkansas to examine the feasibility and usefulness of a universal screening tool--the Family Map Inventory (FMI)--to assess family strengths and needs in a home visiting program.


This short video by ChildSafe in Cambodia explains how donations to orphanages, rather than helping the situation, often cause the creation of more orphans. It is estimated that about 80% of the 8 million children living in institutions around the world are not actually orphans. Donations to orphanages only fuel the orphanage industry further, so the focus should instead be on supporting families.

Tone Sommerfelt,

This report is an analysis of the overall findings from the research project on Haitian child domestic workers.

Marc A. Winokur, Amy Holtan, Keri E. Batchelder - Research on Social Work Practice,

This systematic review evaluated the effect of kinship care placement compared to foster care placement on the safety, permanency, and well-being of children removed from the home for maltreatment.

Elizabeth Lightfoot, Sharyn DeZelar - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences and outcomes of children in the foster care system in the United States who were removed from their homes at least partially in relation to their parent's or caretaker's disability. 

Africa Investigates - Al Jazeera English,

This video investigates Nigeria’s “baby farms,” an industry in which young pregnant women are lured into “orphanages” with the promise of shelter, meals, and basic care and, in return, are coerced into giving up their babies at birth.