
Displaying 11831 - 11840 of 14432

Helen Johnson et al ,

This article describes a group of Elders in the Lax kw’alaams community of British Columbia who provide support and mentorship to the Lax kw’alaams children in care.

Ghazal Keshavarzian, Family for Every Child ,

This report from Family for Every Child begins to fill the gap in understanding on how to deliver effective, safe foster care programmes through an exploration of the literature and interviews with experts.

Ghazal Keshavarzian, Family for Every Child ,

This report from Family for Every Child explores rising concerns about the expansion of foster care services in low and middle income countries, it begins to fill the gap in understanding, and aims to assist in both states’ and NGOs’ decisions on whether to invest in foster care, and in the kinds of supportive services needed to make foster care safe and effective.

Julien Lovera and Martin Punaks - Next Generation Nepal ,

This document provides guidelines to reintegrating trafficked and displaced children in Nepal, based on the approach and methodology developed and utilized by Next Generation Nepal (NGN) and The Himalayan Innovative Society (THIS).

Dudzai Nyamutinga and S. M. Kang’ethe - Journal of Human Ecology ,

The present study aimed to evaluate and discuss the appropriateness of institutions caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in the face of HIV/AIDS through a systematic literature review.

Eunice Majanga, Phillip Mukonyi and Silvia Vundi - Journal of Education and Practice,

This paper identifies the challenges the OVC are experiencing in schools as absenteeism, lack of physical infrastructure, insecurity, psychological trauma, among others. The paper also proposes strategies and programmes that various stakeholders have, and should put in place to assist OVC.

Children’s Bureau ,

This factsheet looks at whether States in the US are following best practices in regards to the Indian Child Welfare Act, such as notification of Tribes and placement preferences. Findings from the Reviews are presented.

Madeline H. Engel, Norma K. Phillips, and Frances A. Della Cava - Sociology Between the Gaps: Forgotten and Neglected Topics ,

This article provides an overview of inter-country adoption of children from the United States to other countries.

Meredith Kiraly - Child Family Community Australia Paper No. 31 ,

This paper systematically reviews surveys of kinship carers in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to identify messages for policy and practice about the characteristics and support needs of kinship care families.

Child Safe Network,

This video was produced as part of the “Don’t Create More Orphans” Campaign, developed by Child Safe Network, Friends International, and partners.