
Displaying 12121 - 12130 of 14429

Faith to Action Initiative,

This resource is provided as a working bibliography of key research and evidence-based policy papers on the care of orphans and other vulnerable children separated from parental care.

State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, UNICEF, IntraHealth CapacityPlus, Maestral International,

The main objective of the mapping and assessment is to identify the major gaps in the current CPS in each State to provide the basis for specific suggestions on how to improve the existing CPS at the State and LGA level.

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Kaduna,

The main objective of the mapping and assessment is to identify the major gaps in the current CPS in each state, which will provide the basis for specific suggestions on how to improve the existing CPS at the state and LGA level. 

– Judith E. Klein – Open Society Foundation,

This paper examines the benefits and challenges of de-institutionalizing disability residential services in Croatia through Open Society Foundation’s Mental Health Initiative (MHI). 

Naftali Bernard Ng’ondi - SAGE Open,

The study used pre-existing data on the most vulnerable children’s (MVC’s) and their guardians’ socio-demographic information and the services they received from Pastoral Activities and Services for People With AIDS Dar es Salaam Archdiocese (PASADA) services agency in Tanzania. 

Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce,

This report by the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce identifies problems with and makes recommendations for improvement of the current system of guardianship and care of unaccompanied children in Australia, which is inequitable and lacking in transparency and accountability. 

MEASURE Evaluation,

The Child, Caregiver & Household Well-being Survey Tools for Orphans & Vulnerable Children Programs have been translated into French for use in francophone countries globally.

MEASURE Evaluation,

The questionnaire for children ages 10-17 years is intended for use as one of the OVC survey tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation, with support from the OVC technical working group of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

MEASURE Evaluation,

The questionnaire for children ages 0-9 years is intended for use as one of the OVC survey tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation, with support from the OVC technical working group of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).


This policy brief provides an overview of research from 2002-2006 on whether children in Zimbabwe who recently migrated were at increased risk of dropping out of school, including research questions, findings, and conclusions.