
Displaying 12411 - 12420 of 14429

Jane Calder and Bep Van Sloten,

This Handbook aims to provide guidance for Save the Children staff, NGO partners, Community Child Protection Groups and community volunteers in Myanmar in protecting the welfare of children living with extended family members.

Jorge F. del Valle and Amaia Bravo,

This article closes a special edition focused on the state of child protection in 16 countries chosen to represent very different cultural contexts, historical backgrounds, and social welfare systems with special attention to out-of-home care placements, principally family foster care and residential care, though several aspects related to adoption were included as well.

Emily R. Munro, Robbie Gilligan,

There has been a significant growth in the use of formal kinship care in the UK and Ireland in the last 20 years. The paper charts some of the reasons for the 'organic growth' of kinship care and the multiple dynamics that have shaped this.

Annemiek T. Harder, Maren Zeller, Mónica López, Stefan Köngeter, Erik J. Knorth,

This article reviews the history and development of out-of-home care services in Germany and the Netherlands comparing trends and numbers.

YONECO & Parenting in Africa Network,

This report summarises the presentations and conclusions from the 2nd Pan-African annual conference on parenting held on the 16-17th October 2013 in Malawi on the theme of "Understanding realities of teenage parenting: a special focus on adolescents (boys and girls) with parenting responsibilities."

Mark Courtney, Robert J. Flynn, Joël Beaupré,

This paper provides overview of the US and Canada in-care system, noting certain differences and similarities between the two systems. Estimates of the number of children in care in Canada and data on children in the US foster care systems is also provided.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

This comprehensive report by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children analyses data regarding progress toward eliminating corporal punishment amongst all states party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Getnet Tadele, Desta Ayode, Woldekidan Kifle,

This assessment conducted by FHI 360, with support from Ethiopia's Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs (MoWYCA) and the OAK Foundation aimed to generate evidence about formal community and family- based alternative child care services and service providing agencies in Ethiopia, with a particular focus on magnitude, quality and quality-assurance mechanisms.

Bouchra Elazhari,

Près de 24 nouveaux-nés sont abandonnés quotidiennement au Maroc, selon la dernière enquête menée par l’association marocaine Insaf. Ce constat, pour le moins troublant, a été soulevé lors des débats programmés par le Salon de la petite enfance et de la kafala.

Save the Children,

This video by Save the Children highlights the major reforms ongoing in Georgia to end harmful child institutionalisation and the work of its project to support the Government in this reform process.