
Displaying 12861 - 12870 of 14428

Shailen Nandy and Julie Selwyn - The British Journal of Social Work,

This paper presents findings from the first-ever study of kinship care in the UK using census micro data.

Dr. Helen Epstein and Adam Collins,

Study tracing impact of FXB International's community-driven “FXB-Village” model on graduates of the program. The models is a structured program of household support and economic strengthening designed to empower particularly vulnerable families to escape extreme poverty and ensure the enduring wellbeing of the children in their care.

Better Care Network ,

On May 2, 2012, in preparation of the Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Conference for Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa in Dakar, Senegal, BCN and the regional planning committee convened experts and practitioners to present and discuss the efforts to implement the Guidelines for the Alternative Care in the region. Watch this video for presentations, country level experience from Togo, and discussions on the pressing issues facing implementation in the region.

Mia Dambach, Service Social International,

Ceci est une présentation à la Conférence sur le Renforcement de la Famille et la Prise en Charge Alternative en Afrique subsaharienne francophone en Mai 2012 en Dakar, Sénégal.


Tess Guiney - Pacific News #38 ,

This research investigates the forms that ‘orphanage tourism’ takes in Cambodia and the impacts of this popular phenomenon on those who are purported to benefit: orphanages and orphans.

University of Botswana and UNICEF ,

Collection of research and reflections on children’s issues in Botswana articles in the various chapters of the publication have been structured to follow the life cycle of the child as she or he grows and is faced with different issues that need to be addressed: young child survival; child development; child protection; HIV and AIDS; and child-sensitive social protection.

UNICEF Malawi ,

The paper argues that investing in Malawi’s emerging national child protection system will support national social protection goals. The Government is bringing together its various responses to child protection and orphans and vulnerable children as the foundation on which to build the national child protection system, with the intention of delivering a coordinated, harmonised and systematic approach to protecting children from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect.

PL 109.95 Secretariat ,

The Fifth Annual Report to Congress on Public Law 109-95, The Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005 highlights continued efforts made by the U.S. Government to improve coordination on behalf of vulnerable children in the past year.


This paper presents UNICEF's Social Protection Strategic Framework, which was developed to respond to the emerging global challenges and increased demand for policy and guidance on social protection.

The Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health ,

This document provides an outline for the competencies, training and skills needed by healthcare staff to work with looked after children at different professional levels in the UK. It recognizes that all health staff should have access to appropriate training, learning opportunities, and support to fulfill their roles and responsibilities, particularly when it comes services provided to looked after children.