
Displaying 13491 - 13500 of 14428

Andrew Dunn & John Parry-Williams,

This report, prepared for UNICEF East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) assesses capacity of Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia to manage alternative care systems for children. 

International Social Service,

International Social Service’s first segment of the series addresses the historical background and the principles and objectives of the Guidelines


Update on all recent seminars and activities relevant to child welfare reform and deinstitutionalization in Russia

Terre des hommes,

A comparative study on the ethical responsibility of receiving countries of intercountry adoption.

USAID, Save the Children & AED,

Provides principles of program design and technical recommendations for effective field interventions

E.J. Graff, Foreign Policy Magazine,

Documents the potential hazards and misconceptions surrounding intercountry adoption


Provides insight into the situation of children outside parental care in South Asia, gaps in legislation, capacity, and services, with reference to national and international legal instruments.

World Bank,

Using household survey data from 21 countries in Africa, this study examines trends in orphanhood and living arrangements, and the links between the two.

The National Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center,

This issue of A Closer Look examines:

The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism - Brandeis University,

This page from the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism website offers documentation of and background about serious irregularities in international adoption in Liberia.