
Displaying 9321 - 9330 of 14439

Femmie Juffer, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care ,

This study observed the physical growth and cognitive development in institutionalized toddlers in India, finding profound developmental delays in the sample group. 

Mariya Cheresheva (BIRN) - Balkan Insight,

Unaccompanied refugee children in Bulgaria face extreme risks in the country's refugee facilities, including temporary detention, a practice recently legalized contrary to international human rights standards. 

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - Commonwealth of Australia,

This document includes the full transcript of the public hearings of the Australian Parliamentary Inquiry in preparation for a Modern Slavery Act. 

John Burger - Aleteia,

Many children living in today's orphanages have families, and organizations are addressing the issue by supporting families experiencing poverty and deinstitutionalizing orphanages.

Ecuador Eco Volunteer,

This blog post from Ecuador Eco Volunteer describes the issues associated with orphanage volunteering and the reasons the company does not connect volunteers with orphanage placements. 

Thomas Oriti - The World Today, ABC News,

In this interview, Karen Flanagan of Save the Children discusses how well-intentioned volunteers and tourists are inadvertently contributing to the growth of the orphanage industry and the exploitation of children. 

Andie Noonan - ABC News,

Award-winning actor Rachel Griffiths gives evidence to the Australian Modern Slavery Inquiry, speaking to the issues of orphanage tourism and trafficking into orphanages. 

Lina Caneva - Pro Bono News,

Save the Children's submission to the Australian government inquiry into modern slavery explains how well-intentioned tourists and funders are inadvertently contributing to the growth of the orphanage industry and the exploitation of children in overseas orphanages.  

ABC News,

In this interview with ABC News, Kate van Doore talks about the trafficking and exploitation of children in overseas orphanages and how volunteering in and funding orphanages contributes to negative outcomes for children.

Broede Carmody - The Age,

Rachel Griffiths appeared in front of Australia's senate to support the establishment of a Modern Slavery Act, which would place legal restrictions on orphanage volunteering.