
Displaying 9961 - 9970 of 14435

Maureen Durning & Jane Zink - Butterfly Trainings that Transform,

This resource provides guidance for training professionals and parents on the Strengthening Families Protective Factor Framework.

Silvie Bovarnick, Sara Scott and Jenny Pearce - University of Bedfordshire, DMSS, Barnardo's,

This review is intended to provide Barnardo’s with an overview of what ‘direct work’ with young people entails in the context of CSE.

Save the Children,

This Save the Children case study aims to briefly describe the process of developing specialised training package for foster care of Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Serbia, its key components and main lessons learned from the process. 

Udayan Care,

The case studies outlined in this publication draw upon earlier work, which suggested that young people leaving care may broadly fall into one of three groups: those successfully ‘moving on’ from care; those who are ‘survivors’; and those who are ‘strugglers’.

International Organization for Migration (IOM), MICIC,

Контрольный список входит в состав инструментария, разработанного МОМ в качестве технического руководства по практическому применению Руководящих положений Инициативы МИСИК, включая руководящее положение 13: Переселение и при необходимости эвакуация мигрантов. Это свод не имеющих обязательной силы рекомендуемых действий, направленных на то, чтобы потребности детей-мигрантов в особой защите были учтены в ходе гуманитарной эвакуации. С помощью этого функционального инструмента государства и международные организации смогут соблюсти принципы защиты детей (ЗД) при организации гуманитарной эвакуации, учитывая индивидуальные условия уязвимости детеймигрантов и обеспечивая их потребности до, во время и после эвакуации. Подразумевается, что рекомендуемые действия будут в полной мере внедрены в операции по всеобщей эвакуации; они не предполагают организации отдельного процесса эвакуации детей.

International Organization for Migration (IOM), MICIC,

The Checklist is a part of the toolkit developed by the IOM to provide technical guidance for the operationalization of the MICIC Initiative Guidelines. It is a non-binding compilation of recommended actions to ensure that the specific protection needs of migrant children are taken into consideration during humanitarian evacuations.

Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services - Government of Queensland,

Our Way outlines a framework for transformational change that will occur over the next 20 years, representing a long-term commitment by government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to work together to improve the life outcomes of vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

Uganda Human Rights Commission,

The purpose of the assessment was two-fold: To identify legislative provisions that are incompatible with international standards, as well as the gaps where the legislation fails to recognise or does not adequately recognise or protect international human rights standards.

Garazi Zulaika and Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This series of country briefs aims to provide an analysis of children’s living and care arrangements according to the latest available data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS) at the time of publication.