
Displaying 3121 - 3130 of 14432

Kiran Modi & Leena Prasad - Child & Youth Services,

This article describes the steps taken by Udayan Care responded to the needs of children in their care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

iNews Guyana,

The Adoption of Children (Amendment) Bill has been presented to Guyana's National Assembly of the Twelfth Parliament, according to this article from iNews Guyana.

Anna Rockhill - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes the benefits of monthly family team meetings for parents involved with child welfare. Findings are shared from semi‐structured, qualitative interviews conducted with 17 parents whose children had been placed in substitute care.

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

This new discussion paper produced by UNICEF and Better Care Network elaborates on the extraordinary challenges facing children and families across the globe, and the steps that can be taken to ensure their inclusion in COVID-19 recovery plans.

Gazette Desk - Law Society of Ireland,

This article from the Gazette Desk highlights findings from the annual report of the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection in Ireland, Dr Conor O’Mahony, which "examines both court care orders and voluntary care arrangements for children and notes that court reviews by a judge have the effect of making sure that things are done for a child in care, with more defined plans."

Roxanna Asgarian - The Appeal,

"Outside of the traditional foster care system exists a shadow system of potentially hundreds of thousands of children removed by CPS to their relatives or family friends—without a court case, monetary support, or due process," says this article from the Appeal which explores the phenomenon of "shadow foster care" in the U.S.


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to conduct a mapping of promising and good practices on MHPSS services relevant for migrant and refugee adolescents.


USAID is inviting applications to the Care Leaders Council, a ten-member group of young leaders who have direct experience with alternative care (e.g., foster care, kinship care, etc.), and who are interested in advocating for improved systems of care.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, The University of Manchester,

This booklet was produced by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in collaboration with The University of Manchester and aims to help parents and their children as they navigate challenges and stay connected as a family. 

Camille Verheyden, Frank Van Holen, Delphine West, and Johan Vanderfaeillie - Developmental Child Welfare,

This study examines secondary traumatic stress (STS), burnout and compassion satisfaction (CS) in Flemish foster care workers (FCW) during the COVID-19 lockdown.