
Displaying 3601 - 3610 of 14435

Karmen Toros - Children & Society,

This article examines children's views on and experiences with participation in the child protection system's decision‐making process.

Save the Children Europe,

With this report, Save the Children aims to assess how children have been affected since the beginning of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’.

Eamon McCrory,

This resource is designed to help professionals and carers understand the latest neuroscience research on childhood abuse and neglect, with insights and advice from clinicians, teachers, and social workers on how to put your learning into practice.

Wan He, Isabella Aboderin, and Dzifa Adjaye-Gbewonyo - U.S. Census Bureau and the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC),

This report illustrates current patterns and projected trends of population aging in Africa and empirical evidence of the socioeconomic circumstances and health status of older Africans. Among other findings, the report notes that older Africans, especially older women, play an active role of caregivers or guardians of younger-generation kin. 


This briefing presents the headline findings from a survey conducted by #CovidUnder19: Life Under Coronavirus, an initiative to meaningfully involve children in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lyson Phiri, Drosin Mulenga, Nancy Choka, Caila Brander, Nachela Chelwa, Nkomba Kayeyi - Population Council,

This case study was employed to understand actors, perceptions and document best practices by the ZAMFAM program, a project aimed at improving the care and resilience of vulnerable populations while supporting HIV epidemic control in Zambia.

Save the Children,

Save the Children conducted research in three refugee camps in Dadaab in Kenya which explored the impact of COVID-19 on children’s education, young mothers’ livelihoods and gender-based violence. This study highlights programmatic adaptations made in response to COVID-19, identifying what has worked well or less well and considers practical recommendations for the sector.

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, UNICEF,

Based on social welfare workforce assessment, a long-term capacity building strategy was developed to assist the Government of Ghana - specifically the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) and the Office of the Head of Local Government Service (OHLGS) - to strengthen its social welfare workforce in order to respond appropriately to the needs of vulnerable and marginalized children and other populations in the country.

Sharon Lovell - End Youth Homelessness Cymru,

This report is based on the voices and experiences of care experienced young people who have been, or are currently, homeless across Wales. The aim of this research is to amplify these young people’s voices to highlight the challenges they have faced when homeless and the need for reform of systems which have failed to prevent their homelessness.

Vanessa Currie, Laura H.V. Wright, Helen Veitch, Yana Mayevskaya, and Lindsay Rogers - Child Protection Area of Responsibility, CPC Learning Network, International Institute for Child Rights and Development, IFRC and UNICEF ,

How is it best for adult-led organizations to reach out to children? Who should do so, and how can they do so safely? This guide provides some guidance on those questions and links to additional resources.