
Displaying 4111 - 4120 of 14435

Bang-Lin Yu, Juan Li, Wei Liu, Sheng-Hai Huang, Xiu-Jing Cao - Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

This study explored the independent effects of left-behind experience (LBE) on self-esteem and aggressive behavior in Chinese young adult populations, or the interaction effects of LBE and self-esteem on aggressive behavior.

Amnesty International,

This document from Amnesty International reports on the family separations happening at U.S. immigration detention facilities in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

AfriChild: The Center for the Study of the African Child and the Care and Protection of Children (CPC) Learning Network,

This first webinar of a series focused on late-breaking research calling attention to the realities of vulnerable children in Uganda will focus on street-connected children as a particularly vulnerable demographic in Uganda.

Sarah Wise - The British Journal of Social Work,

In this study, a transdisciplinary group of key stakeholders in Australia jointly constructed a causal loop diagram to bring forth the systemic structure underlying the issue of repeat child removals (where parents lose successive infants and children to out-of-home care) and identify system conditions that need to be altered.

Leslie M. Tutty & Kendra Nixon - Children and Youth Services Review,

This exploratory secondary data analysis compares demographics, mental health/well-being, and protective mothering strategies of mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) whose children were taken into care compared to those whose children were not to identify key characteristics associated with children being removed by child protective service (CPS) in Western Canada.

Yafit Sulimani-Aidan - Children and Youth Services Review,

Based on the resilience theory, which highlights the role of one’s social resources in fostering resilience, the current study explored the role of care leavers' formal and informal social networks during the transition to adulthood, from the point of view of 50 young adults and their social workers.

Emily T. Murray, Rebecca Lacey, Barbara Maughan & Amanda Sacke - BMC Public Health,

This study examined whether childhood out-of-home care was associated with all-cause mortality until the end of 2013 in the UK.

Dr. Delia Pop - Hope and Homes for Children, CAFO,

Este documento presenta 10 principios para ayudar a niños/as y familias vulnerables durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Child Protection - Cox's Bazar Child Protection Sub-Sector,

This guidance note has been developed as a framework for minimum preparedness and response actions for a potential increase in the number of unaccompanied or separated children in need of alternative care in Bangladesh.

Rob Scheer - The Hill,

This opinion piece from The Hill discusses the "the rising wave of children who will enter the foster system" as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns put in place to curb its spread.