
Displaying 4921 - 4930 of 14437

Maria Moberg Stephenson, Åsa Källström - Qualitative Social Work,

The aim of this study is to explore how the social workers employed at a non-governmental organisation mentoring programme construct young migrants’ situations in kinship care in a Swedish suburb, and if and how these constructions change during the course of the programme.

Claire Brown & Michaela Rogers - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper offers a conceptually informed analysis of fostering and adoption social work and argues for more consistent inclusion of trans and non‐binary people.

The Opening Doors for Europe’s Children,

Based on the information gathered throughout the course of the Opening Doors for Europe’s Children campaign, this final report first reflects on: (1) the rationale for the campaign and how it operated; (2) the progress towards child protection system reform across campaign countries as well as the developments at the EU level; and (3) the lessons learnt from the campaign and some final recommendations to the European Union.

Shauna L. Rienks - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The goal of this study is to examine child welfare caseworkers’ experience of secondary traumatic stress (STS) and the extent to which coping strategies act as a buffer.

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency and Department of Health (Northern Ireland),

This annual publication presents information on those who left care during the previous financial year, as well as the circumstances of those who have left care at the time of their nineteenth birthday.

Paul Kenyon and Emma Forde - File on 4 - BBC News,

More than 12,000 children in care are not living with at least one of their siblings, according to this article from BBC News.

Scottish Funding Council,

This document sets out the Scottish Funding Council's National Ambition for Care-Experienced Students for the college and university sectors, outlining their commitment to equal outcomes for care-experienced students and their peers by 2030.

Brendan Wilson & Lisa M Barnett - Children and Youth Services Review,

This review identifies if physical activity interventions are effective for children in out of home care, and if so which type of activity and for what health outcomes.

Jianbo Liu, Xiaodong Zheng, Marie Parker & Xiangming Fang - Population Research and Policy Review,

This is the first study that empirically investigates the associations between left-behind experience in childhood and the quality of employment in adulthood for young rural-to-urban migrants in China, a population known as new-generation migrants.

Xinyi Zhao, Fang Fu, Luqing Zhou - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined the mediating effect of psychological trait resilience on the relationship between protective factors from social network and self-esteem/depression of the left-behind children in China.