
Displaying 5181 - 5190 of 14437

Save the Children,

This webpage from Save the Children features answers to frequently asked questions about the coronavirus, as well as advice for talking to your children about the situation.


This webpage from ZERO TO THREE features resources offering tips for families including age-appropriate responses to common questions, a guide to self-care, and activities for young children experiencing social distancing.

Nunn, Alexander; Dodsley, Thomas; Bowers-Brown, Tamsin; Benaton, Tonimarie; Murden, Jade; Manning-Jones, Alix - Children and Society,

This paper reports findings from an innovative arts-based intervention with Looked After Children and Young People and concludes that holding these competing value sets in creative tension is central to the success of the programme in helping young people to cope with and contest social harm.


This analysis from CARE highlights the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls, including the increased risk of violence and/or separation from caregivers for children, particularly girls.

Asia-Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group,

This resource outlines the gender impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, including the greater risk of exploitation and violence for women and children, as well as some recommendations for mitigating and responding to these challenges.

Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender-based Violence (GBV) Guidelines,

This page on the website for the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender-based Violence (GBV) Guidelines contains COVID-19-specific resources and pulls from the knowledge-base of ebola, zika and cholera outbreaks.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este recurso de Changing the Way We Care ofrece una guía en la adaptación y/o el desarrollo de servicios y programas para continuar atendiendo de mejor forma a los NNA y las familias durante este periodo de tiempo de cambio constante, particularmente en el monitoreo virtual de niños, niñas, adolescentes, sus familias y para el personal de hogares de protección durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este documento de Changing the Way We Care utiliza un marco ecológico para mostrar como la pandemia del COVID-19 crisis podría afectar a los NNA, las familias y las comunidades y como ayudar a los programas a reorganizar, adaptar y priorizar las actividades de prevención y respuesta.

Changing the Way We Care,

This brief from Changing the Way We Care uses an ecological framework to help illustrate how the COVID-19 crisis might impact the children, families and communities and how to help programs adapt, reorganize and prioritize prevention and response activities.


This call to public authorities presents recommendations from RELAF for preventing family separation and implementing adequate care and protection measures to protect children’s rights put at risk by the pandemic and its implications.