
Displaying 7641 - 7650 of 14390

Kathryn Joyce - The Intercept,

This article from the Intercept offers a brief history of intercountry adoption in the US as a response to crises, such as the earthquake in Haiti, and connects that to the fear of a new "adoption rush" in response to the current family separation crisis at the US border with Mexico.

Abiud Ochieng - Daily Nation,

"Weak adoption laws could have also exposed hundreds of Kenyan children to abuse and exploitation both locally and internationally," says this article from Daily Nation.

Ingrid Höjer, Helena Lindberg, Bo Nielsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Helena Johansson - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of the article is to describe and discuss how issues related to schooling and educational achievement are recognized and addressed in social services case files for children and young people placed in out-of-home care (OHC) in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Renée Spencer, Alison L. Drew, Grace Gowdy, John Paul Horn - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative interview study examined experiences of youth-initiated mentoring relationships (YIM) among youth transitioning out of the foster care system.

Jesús Palacios - Research on Social Work Practice,

This article, that also serves as an introduction to the remaining articles in this special section on adoption breakdown, considers the multiple reasons why adoption breakdowns occur.

BBC News,

In this video from the BBC, a woman separated from her son after they arrived at the US border in May describes her and other women's "horrible" ordeal in a migrant detention centre in Texas.

Nora McCarthy - Slate,

In this article for Slate, Nora McCarthy - director of Rise, a New York City organization that trains parents to write and speak about their experiences with the child welfare system and become advocates for reform - connects the family separation crisis happening at the US border with Mexico to the separations that occur within the US child welfare system.

Jesus Palacios - Research on Social Work Practice,

This article explores the multiple reasons why adoption breakdown occurs and also serves as an introduction to the remaining articles in this special section on adoption breakdown in the journal of Research on Social Work Practice.

Brandi N. Hawk, Robert B. Mccall, Christina J. Groark, Rifkat J. Muhamedrahimov, Oleg I. Palmov, Natalia V. Nikiforova - nfant Mental Health Journal,

The current study from the Infant Mental Health Journal addressed whether two institution‐wide interventions in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, that increased caregiver sensitivity (Training Only: TO) or both caregiver sensitivity and consistency (Training plus Structural Changes: T+SC) promoted better socioemotional and cognitive development than did a No Intervention (NoI) institution during the first year of life for children who were placed soon after birth.

Lindsey Tanner, AP - ABC News,

This article from ABC News in the US explores the harmful impacts of family separation on children's development and wellbeing.