
Displaying 8961 - 8970 of 14391

BBC Two,

This video from the BBC shares stories from some mixed racial, ethnic, and religious foster care families. 

K. G. Gopakumar, Kamalakshi G. Bhat, Shantharam Baliga, Nitin Joseph, Neha Mohan, Avinash K. Shetty - Quality of Life Research,

The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of care at foster homes on the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of children living with HIV (CLHIV), attending a referral ART Centre, and to compare their HRQOL with children living in their own homes.

Adrienne Whitt-Woosley, Jessica Eslinger, Ginny Sprang - Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems,

This chapter provides a description of the Partners in Child Protection (PICP) project, the assessment protocols utilized, and the implementation strategies applied to support and maintain the partnership. 

International Committee of the Red Cross,

The International Committee of the Red Cross has released a comment on the Global Compacts including three key messages, one of which relates to the detention of children and family separation. 

Wendy Kelly,

This book introduces the Relational Learning Framework (RLF), an assessment tool which helps foster care practitioners, social workers and foster carers to examine what foster children have learned in their early life about relationships and particularly through maltreatment. 

Rachael Myrow - KQED Arts,

The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History, in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, invited a team of former foster youth and advocates to help put together an exhibit on foster care in California, called 'Lost Childhoods.'

CELCIS - University of Strathclyde,

The Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children (CELCIS) at the University of Strathclyde is looking to recruit an International Associate to help shape and deliver the Centre's international work. 

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

Following up on a 2014 report of the same name, this report (Race for Results) describes the disproportionate barriers facing children of immigrant families in the US, and it recommends strategies that policy, community and civic leaders can use to guide their decisions so that all our children have a fair chance to thrive. 

Alex Sandro Gomes Pessoa, Jaqueline Knupp Medeiros, Débora Belizário da Fonseca, Linda Lienbeberg - Vulnerable Children and Youth in Brazil,

This chapter aims to discuss the methodological implications of research with children and adolescents who are living in foster care, with emphasis on the use of visual methods and reflexive interviews.

J. Jay Miller, Kalea Benner, Athena Kheibari, Earl Washington - Child and Youth Services Review,

This study employed Concept Mapping (CM) with a convenience sample of 51 foster youth/alumni in one southeastern state in the US to explicate a conceptual framework for the development of campus supports for collegiate foster youth/alumni, and examine priority areas (e.g., importance and feasibility).