
Displaying 9111 - 9120 of 14391

Luke Michael - Pro Bono Australia,

Momentum is building in Australia to end orphanage volunteering overseas as the voices of advocates presenting the research on institutionalization become more prevalent in the media and big businesses from the tourism industry begin to follow suit. 

Agence France-Presse ,

UNICEF estimates suggest that over 1,100 Rohingya children fleeing violence in western Myanmar have arrived unaccompanied in Bangladesh since August 25.

Gary Nunn - The Sydney Morning Herald,

Orphanage volunteers often travel abroad with good intentions, but their "help" is contributing to the growing business of orphanage voluntourism, which profits by offering opportunities to meet the demand of Westerners hoping to help children abroad. In turn, children are being separated from their families, receiving improper care, and even exploited in the process. 

Ching-Hsuan Lin & Angela R. Wiley - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines whether the use of relative child care improves maternal parenting practices. Data from 3475 families in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study were used to examine how relative child care is related to parenting behaviors and how the patterns present among each racial/ethnic and immigrant family. 

Ching-Hsuan Lin and Angela R. Wiley - Children and Youth Services Review ,

This study utilized data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to examine how kinship care affects maternal stress and parenting practices in racial/ethnic and immigrant families in the United States. 

Levi van Dam et al. - British Journal of Social Work ,

This study evaluates the Youth Initiated Mentoring (YIM) program, which allows youth with complex needs to nominate a mentor from their own social network to collaborate with care professionals and their families as an alternative to out-of-home placement.  

Jeong Park - The Orange County Register,

New research explores the traumatic experiences of children adopted from South Korean orphanages by American families following the end of the Korean War.

Jessaca Leinaweaver - U.S. News,

Peru's Congress will debate a proposed law that would install "baby boxes" outside hospitals around the country, which would allow for infants to be abandoned safely and without consequence to the person abandoning the child; critics, however, argue that policy should be addressing the root causes of child abandonment and vulnerability, including family planning, education, and family strengthening programs. 

Raphael Epstein (Interviewer) & Kristina Kukolja (Producer) - RN Drive,

In this radio interview, Kate van Doore explains why institutional care is harmful to children and how orphanage volunteering perpetuates and contributes to the harm children experience in institutions. 


In this webinar recording, 4Children and KIDSS share learning about how to prepare and plan, at the family and programmatic level, for exiting out of OVC programs.