
Displaying 9231 - 9240 of 14391

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,

Цю Стратегію розроблено з метою зміни існуючої системи інституційного догляду та виховання дітей, яка не відповідає реальним потребам дітей та сімей з дітьми, і створення умов для повноцінного виховання та розвитку дитини в сім’ї.

Chidi Ezegwu, Adewole O. Adedokun, Chioma Ezegwu - Education and Extremisms: Rethinking Liberal Pedagogies in the Contemporary World,

This chapter explores how the failing system of traditional almajiri education, challenges associated with government efforts to integrate almajiri education into the formal school system, social exclusion and hostility contribute to increase the boys’ vulnerability to radicalisation and recruitment by Boko Haram.

Anna Butlinski, Heather Rowe, Christopher Goddard and Nicholas Freezer - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study examined the way adoption of children from out-of-home care is understood by the professionals involved in making decisions about their permanent care placements in Victoria, Australia. 

Jordan Press, The Canadian Press ,

A Canadian study found that 3 in 5 homeless youth had experience with the child welfare system, a rate 193 times higher than the general public. 

Naomi Nichols; Kaitlin Schwan; Stephen Gaetz; Melanie Redman; David French; Sean A. Kidd; Bill O'Grady - Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Press,

A recent Canadian study on youth homelessness revealed that youth experiencing homelessness are 193 times more likely to report interactions with the child welfare system. This policy brief offers a snapshot of the situation for homeless youth with experience in care, an analysis of the structures and systems leaving these children behind, and recommendations for policy and practice. 

Nur Khairah Alegria Suner - Free Malaysia Today,

Malaysian NGO OrphanCare reports that orphanages are reluctant to work with baby hatch centers, which seek to find permanent homes for abandoned babies, due to fear that they will not have enough children to maintain the institutions once they give them up for adoption. 

Disability Rights International ,

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has called for urgent action to reintegrate children and psychiatric detainees who have been living in institutions into their communities

Tim Moore, Morag McAruthur, Jodi Death, Clare Tilbury and Steven Rouche - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study consulted with young people in Australia about their perspectives on what makes residential care safe and how safety could be improved within residential care. 

Kath McFarlane - Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology,

This article describes the findings of a four-year study with a cohort of children in out-of-home care in New South Wales and their experiences with the criminal justice system. 

Mark Riley - Diary of a Muzungu,

This blog post underlines the issues with orphanage volunteering and tourism, including its developmental and emotional impact on children and how it fuels the continuation of orphanages and diverts resources away from family preservation and reunification.