
Displaying 9421 - 9430 of 14391

Mitchell Loeb, Claudia Cappa, Roberta Crialesi, Elena de Palma - Salud Pública de México,

This special note describes the development of a joint question module for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), developed by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) and UNICEF, to measure data on child disability.

Tamar Dinisman, Sabine Andresen, Carme Montserrat, Dorota Strózik, Tomasz Strózik - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study is to explore differences in family relationships, family subjective well-being (SWB) and overall SWB between children living in three different living arrangements – a two-parent family, a single-parent family and a separated family. 

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child during the seventy-fifth session (15 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


This report presents the findings from an assessment on the profile, drivers and intentions of refugee and migrant children who arrived in Italy and Greece in 2016 and 2017 and aims to enable Italian, Greek and European policy makers, local service providers and humanitarian actors to provide appropriate accommodations and services for migrant children.

Haksoon Ahn, Elizabeth J. Greeno, Charlotte Lyn Bright, Samantha Hartzel, & Sarah Reiman - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to examine the factors associated with the length of foster parenting duration. Study results will contribute to developing implications for successful recruitment and retention policies and practices for foster parents.


On 20 June, the Advisory Group for Childonomics, a research projected intended to develop a tool to determine long-term social and economic return of investing in children, met in Brussels for its final meeting. The final output of the project in pilot countries Malta and Romania is scheduled to be presented at the International Foster Care Organisations (IFCO) World Conference in November 2017. 

Lorena Gazzotti - Business Standard,

Germany is considering plans to open two reception centers in Morocco for repatriated children. 

Yesenia Amaro and Kong Meta - The Phnom Penh Post,

Disabled children in Cambodia are abandoned in hospitals and health centers throughout the country. The Angkor Hospital for Children, however, is dedicated to keeping abandoned children out of orphanages by convincing and assisting parents to take their infants back and care for them. 

Olivia Muragijimana - The New Times,

Over 3000 children from orphanages in Rwanda have been reintegrated into family-based care since 2012, reports an official from the National Children's Council. 

Amnesty International,

This alert from Amnesty International describes the findings from a recent Independent review of youth detention centres in Queensland, Australia, which exposed abuse and human rights violations of detained youth at the hands of staff.