Displaying 14401 - 14410 of 14570
Considering a visit to an orphanage abroad? The problems with visiting orphanages
Orphanage divestment resources for the travel and volunteering sectors
A stand against orphanage volunteering: a list of travel and volunteering organisations that do not support orphanage volunteering
Volunteer checklist for responsible volunteering abroad
Considering a Visit to an Orphanage Abroad?
Supporting Orphanages May Seem Like A Worthwhile Thing To Do, But An Increasing Body Of Evidence Shows That It Is Harming The Very Children It Tries To Help.
At least 80% of children in orphanages have one or both living parents. Almost all have extended families. With the right support, most of these children could be cared for by their families.
ReThink Orphanages is a global cross-sector coalition working to prevent family separation and child institutionalization by shifting the way volunteers and donors support vulnerable children overseas.
This study details the journey of the Orphan and Destitute Youth in Aftercare Programme in Maharashtra, India. The study was conducted with the orphan youth who left the Seven Aftercare programmes both from Government and NGO-run Aftercare programme. It has discussed their challenges, experiences and support given during and post aftercare while orphan youth started their independent life.