
Displaying 14101 - 14110 of 14347

Martha Kirby,

Research project examining the problems faced in the education of youth in care in Canada. Provides recommendations for supporting high school education and for including children in their educational planning.

Ministry of Civil Affairs, People’s Republic of China,

Country report of China on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

Country report of Rwanda on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

The College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan,

Country report of India on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

Family Health International,

A summary of comprehensive care needs for children affected by AIDS. Includes several case studies which highlight key components of comprehensive program design, implementation and evaluation.

Alebel Derib,

A case study that describes and analyzes Group care arrangements and the fostering program (“Family Attachment”) in the refugee camps in Pignudo (Ethiopia) and Kakuma (Kenya). This study includes the evaluation done on the Family Attachment program in Kakuma refugee camps which assessed it’s weaknesses and strengths.

Ugandan Ministry of Labour, Gender and Social Development,

Country report of Uganda on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

Country report of Romania on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

Forum des ONG d’aide a l’enfance en difficulté,

Le forum des ONG d'aide à l'enfance en difficulté́ est une coalition ivoirienne pour la défense des droits de l'enfant regroupant les ONG et associations qui œuvrent pour la protection et la promotion des droits de l'enfant.  Le présent rapport résulte de l'analyse du cadre juridique national et de l'étude du contexte social actuel par rapport aux dispositions de la CDE et du rapport initial de Côte-d'Ivoire. 

Maarten Merkelbach - International Review of the Red Cross,

This paper presents the results of an audit to evaluate the efficacy of the central database designed to facilitate the reunification of unaccompanied children in Rwanda with their families.