
Displaying 6101 - 6110 of 14390

Catholic Relief Services,

The conference will highlight new priorities for OVC programs, best practices from current programs and discussion of challenges and opportunities to find, link, and retain children living with HIV.

Arelis R. Hernández and Mariana Zuñiga - The Washington Post,

This article from the Washington Post describes the threats to families in Venezuela today, including the instances of family separation due to poverty and lack of resources.

Jeff Chambers, Sandy Lint, Maggie G. Thompson, Matthew W. Carlson, Michelle I. Graef - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study used a quasi-experimental design and propensity score matching to examine the outcomes for children of families served by the Iowa Department of Human Services Parent Partner program, a peer support program to mentor parents who are currently involved in the US child welfare system.

Xinhua Net,

The Chinese government is increasing its financial support to vulnerable children, particularly orphans, left-behind children, and children living in poverty, according to this article from Xinhua Net.

Dilip Balu & Loyola McLean - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy,

This paper reviews the literature on human relational factors and their impact on complex care systems for a highly vulnerable population of children and young people in out‐of‐home care (OOHC).

The Himalayan Times,

"As many as 880 children, including 249 girls, were rescued from 64 child care homes operating in various districts, without meeting minimum standards prescribed by the existing law," according to this article from the Himalayan Times.

Save the Children Cambodia,

The purpose of this formative research is to inform the social and behaviour change communication and community capacity strengthening strategy for Better Beginnings.

Dana M. Prince, Sarah Vidal, Nathanael Okpych, Christian M. Connell - Journal of Adolescence,

This study estimated the impact of state and individual-level risk and protective factors on adverse 19-year-old outcomes among a cohort of U.S. transition age youth.

Boston College School of Social Work,

This video explores Sugira Muryango: "Families Strengthening Intervention for Early Childhood Development: Alternative Delivery System of Poverty Reduction Strategies" in Rwanda—a project by the Research Program For Children and Adversity at the Boston College School of Social Work led by Salem Professor in Global Practice Theresa Betancourt.

Anne Steenbakkers, Steffievan der Steen, Hans Grietens - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of this study was to ask youth themselves how they experience the impact of traumas prior to living in a foster family.