
Displaying 6321 - 6330 of 14390

Sindy Flores - New York Times,

In this opinion piece for the New York Times, Sindy Flores, a mother and migrant to the US from Honduras, writes about her experience of family separation in the US.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child would like to invite you to an Online Event to discuss models and systems for Kinship Care in Brazil. Pre-recorded presentations from three different speakers will be released on Wednesday 27 March. One week later on Wednesday 3 April at 13:00 UK time, they will host a live Q&A panel discussion with the featured presenters.


The event will bring together Members of the European Parliament, European Commission officials, and civil society from both EU and national level. Its aim is to capitalise on existing EU commitments on the issue of protection of children in migration and will look at how EU policies and the next multi-annual financial framework (MFF) will champion these commitments, ensuring that children in migration and those unaccompanied in particular, grow up in inclusive societies where their rights are respected. 

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

In this data snapshot, the Annie E. Casey Foundation examines how placements for young people in foster care have changed from 2007 to 2017.

SUKA Society,

The Community Placement and Case Management (CPCM) Programme aims to provide a holistic case management system that specifically looks into the protection concerns of migrant, undocumented, stateless, refugee, and asylum seeking Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) at risk of arrest and detention and those directly affected by immigration detention in Malaysia.

Gideon K. Bulwani and Janestic M. Twikirize - The Republic of Uganda,

This report presents the findings of the “Functional review of the Government social service workforce in relation to child protection," which aimed to inform efforts geared towards strengthening the functionality of the social service workforce in Uganda, taking into account changes in the legal and policy framework and global trends in social protection and child protection in particular.

Timothy Ross, Lucas Gerber, Yuk C. Pang - Action Research Partners,

This report describes lessons learned from a centerpiece of Home Away From Home: coaching, technical assistance, and data analysis activities aimed to improve the recruitment, training, support and retention of foster homes and build kinship caregiving capacity.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This webinar offers foundational information related to the intersection of culture, the migration journey, trauma and assessment.


This video from 1MillionHome shares the story of one children's home in Kenya, Agape, that transitioned from a "traditional orphanage" to a family reunification center.

Fred Wulczyn, Sara Feldman, and Scott Huhr - Center for State Child Welfare Data, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago,

For this evaluation, the authors asked whether the rate of exit to permanency increased for children whose time in foster care in New York City coincided with when private foster care agencies reached the new reduced caseload target.