
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 37.78 million
  • Population under 15 years: 48%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 59 years
  • Human Development Index: 163 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Low income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 7.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.9 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 29.5%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 40%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2011

Displaying 9301 - 9310 of 14391

Kholofelo Charlotte Motha - Children & Society,

This paper is based on the findings from a qualitative study with orphaned children in South Africa, their teachers and caregivers, which investigated the capacity of extended families affected by poverty and HIV/AIDS to care for and support orphaned children. 

The Wire,

In this podcast episode of The Wire, Kate van Doore discusses the unintended, but harmful, impact of volunteering in orphanages. 

Philip Goldman, Maestral International - MacArthur Foundation ,

In this video, Philip Goldman, President of Maestral International, discusses how donors, faith communities, advocates and other committed actors can be brought together under the common belief that all children belong in families. 

Deborah Marshall - Griffith News,

Kate van Doore describes how volunteering in orphanages is connected with child exploitation and why the establishment of a Modern Slavery Act is important. 

Michael Garcia Bochenek - Harvard International Review,

This article describes the extreme psychological distress experienced by unaccompanied migrant children and the heightened adverse effects for those being detained and the reasons States are using immigrant detention despite its negative consequences. 

Jorge Hevia-Orozco, Araceli Sanz-Martin, Miguel Angel Guevara and Marisela Hernández-Gonzalez - Abnormal & Behavioral Psychology,

This study investigated and compared electroencephalogram (EEG) functioning between a group of institutionalized adolescents and a never institutionalized group of adolescents during a social decision making task. 

Paul Nelson - Times Union,

Police of Schenetady, New York have seen a rise in calls in recent years from Northeast Parent & Child Society, a residential care home for youth referred from the court system, with 406 calls through July 14 of this year. 

Janelle Retka and Chhorn Phearun - The Cambodia Daily,

Cambodia's Battambang province will be the first to implement the country's new deinstitutionalization policy.

Save the Children ,

Save the Children is recruiting for a consultant to review and finalize Zambia's National Implementation Plan to strengthen the Social Service Workforce. 

Victoria Mutiso, Albert Tele, Christine Musyimi, Isaiah Gitonga, Abednego Musau, David Ndetei - Child and Adolescent Mental Health,

This study aimed to test the effectiveness of life skills education (LSE) and psychoeducation in the reduction of Youth Self Report (YSR) scores on institutionalized children in Kenya, using structured activities supported by trained facilitators.