
Demographic Data:

  • Total Population: 15,245,855
  • Population under 15: 41.6%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 57.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 155 out of 188 
  • World Bank Status: Low Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 16.7%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.1 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 44.6%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, DHS 2010-11


Displaying 881 - 890 of 14424

Justin Rogers - The Conversation,

A group of talented young dancers from Uganda warmed hearts around the world after earning the coveted “golden buzzer” on Britain’s Got Talent.

Disability Rights International, Disability Rights Ukraine,

DRI asked more than 500 families living in Ukraine what they are now experiencing during the war and what they need. In interviews with DRI staff, parents lay out all the difficult challenges and barriers they face. These interviews provide a blueprint of the change that must occur – by governments, donors, policymakers, caregivers, and communities during the war and recovery process.

Sara Monetta - BBC News,

Nearly 300 orphans caught in the crossfire in Sudan's capital have been rescued in a daring and dangerous evacuation by humanitarian workers.

Victor Vedasto, Adam Matiko Charles, Africanus Calist Sarwatt,

The study aimed to assess social and psychological challenges facing orphaned children living in the orphanages in Tanzania.

Ovidiu Bunea, Daniela Cojocaru,

The study follows the interaction between the individual and the social context regarding the development of adolescents protected in residential houses from the child protection system in Iasi County, Romania.

Olga Ulybina,

This paper advances the global and transnational agency approach to the study of out-of-home childcare, specifically the institutionalization of children.

Purity Wambui Gitahi, Michael Njeru, Jared Menecha,

This study sought to explore the prevalence of depression among orphaned adolescents in the selected children’s homes in Githurai Division, Nairobi County.

Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union,

The Swedish Presidency has initiated a declaration to support the protection of Ukrainian children. The declaration will mobilise support among EU Member States for continued engagement in protecting the children who have been affected by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Alexander McTier, Kate Mackinnon, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

Case studies of transformational reform programmes examined a range of approaches to the delivery of children’s services to better understand the evidence regarding systems-level integration between children’s social work/social care with health services and/or adult social care.

Robert Porter, Emma Young, Jane Scott, Leanne McIver, Kate Mackinnon, Nadine Fowler, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

Strand 1: Rapid Evidence Review reviewed existing published national and international research evidence focused on better understanding the evidence associated with different models of integration of children’s services with health and/or adult social care services in high income countries, as defined by the World Bank.