Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse includes all forms of physical and emotional mistreatment, sexual abuse, and neglect of a child’s basic needs, which results in actual or potential harm to a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Exploitation of children is also a form of abuse and includes trafficking for sexual or economic purposes, and recruitment of children into armed forces.

Displaying 21 - 30 of 1067

Nilan Yu, Marina Morgenshtern, Jeanette Schmid,

This article offers a cross-national comparison of social work in two countries, Australia and Canada, about the care of Indigenous children within the context of colonization and the evolving profession.

Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART), Leeds Becket University,

This publication evaluates the progress of implementing the 2010 Counter Trafficking in Persons Act in Kenya from its inception until now (2010-2020).

Asa Kerr-Davis, Saul Hillman, Katharine Anderson, Richard Cross ,

This UK-based paper presents evidence of the importance of screening looked-after children for Adverse Childhood Experiences and demonstrates that the Trauma and Adverse Life Events (TALE) is a valid and reliable tool for this purpose. Adverse and traumatic experiences were highly prevalent in this population and appeared to be closely related with children’s psychosocial wellbeing.

World Childhood Foundation,

Rapporten visar på omfattande sexuella övergrepp och kränkningar mot barn på svenska statliga ungdomshem – platser som är avsedda att vara trygga för unga med omfattande psykosocial problematik. Kunskapen om att barn utsätts för sexuella övergrepp på SiS har funnits länge. Bara förra året kom granskningar från Institutionen för vård och omsorg (IVO), Justitieombudsmannen (JO) och Statskontoret som alla visade på stora brister inklusive våld och sexuella övergrepp.

End Violence Against Children,

This End Violence Against Children briefing paper summarises research showing reductions in the approval and use of corporal punishment in some countries which have reformed their laws to prohibit all corporal punishment.

World Health Organization (WHO),

These WHO guidelines provides evidence-based recommendations on parenting interventions for parents and caregivers of children aged 0–17 years that are designed to reduce child maltreatment and harsh parenting, enhance the parent–child relationship, and prevent poor mental health among parents and emotional and behavioural problems among children.

World Health Organization (WHO),

This web annex forms part of the WHO guidelines on parenting interventions to prevent maltreatment and enhance parent–child relationships with children aged 0–17 years. As such, it should only ever be read in conjunction with the main guideline document that sets out in detail how the methodology in the WHO handbook for guideline development was applied here, along with the development process and the recommendations themselves.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies,

This paper attempts to highlight some of the key issues regarding child labour and education in emergencies.

Scott L. Moeschberger, BreeAnna White,

This chapter in the book, "Psychological Perspectives on Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Children: Towards Building Cultures of Peace", explores how violence impacts children in various types of alternative care from larger scale institutions such as orphanages to family-based care models like foster care. The book explores the topic from a global perspective.

World Health Organization,

This World Health Organization report, "What works to prevent online violence against children", presents ways to address the growing worldwide concern of keeping children safe online, with a specific focus on two forms of online violence: child sexual abuse including grooming and sexual image abuse; and cyber aggression and harassment in the form of cyberbullying, cyberstalking, hacking and identity theft. The report recommends implementing school-based educational programmes that have multiple sessions, promote interaction among youth and engage parents.