Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Displacement

Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of war, and frequently represent at least half of the population in a conflict area. They suffer fear and insecurity, and disruption to every aspect of their lives. Children who have been displaced are at an increased risk of sexual and physical violence, disease and malnutrition, and separation from family members. As displaced persons or refugees they may experience severe poverty, abuse, exploitation, and psychosocial distress. 

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James Garbarino, Amy Governale, Danielle Nesi - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article uses the framework of the CRC to review how the world has studied the involvement of child soldiers in armed conflict.

Better Care Network,

This Country Care Review includes the care-related concluding observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.

Serena Zanella & Manuela De Gaspari - Save the Children,

The child protection in emergencies (CPiE) capacity gaps analysis (CGA) in the West and Central Africa (plus Mauritania) region, targeting CPiE practitioners with 3-5 years of professional experience, aimed to collect and provide information on (1) identified key CPiE capacity gaps and (2) existing and available capacity building initiatives.

Save the Children,

This report’s primary purpose is to recommend evidence-based strategies to improve the relevance and effectiveness of field interventions that target development outcomes for migrant girls in Southern Africa.

Alvhild Strømme, Ewa Sapiezynska, Gunvor Knag Fylkesnes, Keyan Salarkia and Jess Edwards - Save the Children,

This report delves into the differences between boys’ and girls’ experiences through a gendered analysis of the six grave violations of children in conflict, including recruitment of children by armed forces and child abduction. The report makes reference to the vulnerabilities faced by girl heads of household or unaccompanied and separated girls on the move and calls for interventions such as family tracing and reunification, the provision of alternative care for unaccompanied and separated children, and the release and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups.

Organizações da Sociedade Civil ,

No ano de 2019, o mundo foi assolado pela eclosão do novo Coronavírus com os primeiros casos detectados na China.

Norbert Struck - International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies,

This article analyzes developments in the forms of social work with young refugees and the legal framing of such work in Germany from 1990 to the present.

Save the Children,

The primary purpose of this report is to recommend evidencebased strategies to improve the relevance and effectiveness of field interventions that target development outcomes for girls on the move in Central America and Mexico. 

Save the Children,

This brief - a supplement to the Stop the War on Children 2020: Gender matters report - highlights the situation of children in conflict zones in West and Central Africa with a focus on gender.

UN Office of the SRSG on Violence against Children,

This report from the UN Office of the SRSG on Violence against Children explores repatriation, rehabilitation, and reintegration of foreign, Iraqi and Syrian children who are being held in detention on suspected ISIS association or terror-related offenses, or in camps.