Children Affected by HIV and AIDS

The HIV/AIDS pandemic is having a devastating impact on the well-being of children, particularly in those countries with the highest HIV prevalence rates in sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia. The virus affects children in multiple ways; they may lose one or both parents and other family members, or become infected with the disease.


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Leanne Dougherty, Steven Forsythe, William Winfrey, Kathy Buek and Minki Chatterji ,

A report which analyzes the costs associated with various types of interventions for orphans and vulnerable children, including institutional care, tracing and reintegration, and community-based care.

Jill Donahue,

A report on several pilot projects launched by the World Vision and affiliated microfinance institutions to address the association between poverty and HIV. A description of pilot projects in Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa and Malawi are discussed.

Andy West and Chen Xuemei,

Outlines the changing vulnerabilities of children in modern China. Underlines the problematic definition of vulnerability in child protection programmes and advocates holistic approaches that integrate child participation in decision-making.


Outlines the impact of a pre-pilot conditional cash transfer scheme implemented in Kenya and defines key issues to be considered before moving forward into pilot and national schemes. Short annexes include tools/frameworks to guide implementation.

Hugh Allen,

Summary and analysis of the status of the literature and reviews on economic strengthening and livelihood tools. Contains recommendations of best practices and guidelines on which tools work.

Jonathan Rivers, Eva Silvestre, and John Mason,

A report on the nutritional status of orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Seeks to understand the relationship between child vulnerability and food security. Contains conclusions and recommendations relevant for future monitoring initiatives.

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Toolkit for the founding and expansion of HIV/AIDS responses in development programs. Includes hands-on tools and support documentation.

Kalanidhi Subbarao and Diane Coury,

A detailed book providing evidence-based guidelines for approaches and interventions to best mitigate the various risks confronted by OVC.

Mark Loudon,

Rapid assessment of the social impact of HIV/AIDS on children in Belize. Although many typical vulnerabilities are not as prevalent in the Belize as in other developing countries, HIV-related stigma remains a significant threat to children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Jan Williamson,

Reviews 80 of the most significant and relevant documents focusing on family care for children affected by HIV/AIDS. Focuses on common areas of concern, research gaps, and ways to address identified needs.