Children and Migration

Millions of children around the world are affected by migration.  This includes girls and boys who migrate within and between countries (usually with their families but sometimes on their own), as well as children ‘left behind’ when their parents or caregivers migrate in search of economic opportunities.  Be it forced or voluntary, by adults or children, migration affects children’s care situations and can entail risks to their protection.

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Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), International Organization for Migration,

The Global Migration Indicators 2018 report is a snapshot of what we know about migration today. The report reviews key trends in global migration, including sections on remittances and the migration of women and children, and highlights the relevant SDGs and Global Compact objectives.

The Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts,

This document from the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts lays out recommended actionable commitments for the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This resource from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides key points related to traumatic separation and immigrant and refugee children, adapted from the NCTSN fact sheet Children with Traumatic Separation: Information for Professionals.

Berit Berg and Gry Mette D. Haugen - NTNU Social Research on behalf of SOS Children’s Villages,

This report presents an evaluation of the family home model as part of the 'Our New Children' project in Norway, a collaborative project between SOS Children’s Villages, Asker Municipality and the Housing bank that seeks to "assess the establishment of family homes as the housing and care solution for single minor refugees."

Taha, Jemal - NTNU,

The present study has thoroughly examined the experiences and perspectives of left-behind children of migrant mothers in Addis Ababa and Sinana district.

Sarah Meyer, Sabrina Hermosilla, Lindsay Stark - UNHCR, the CPC Learning Network, and TPO Uganda,

This report describes the research conducted in 2016 in Kiryandongo and Adjumani refugee settlements in Uganda, presenting a comparison of child protection system strength between 2014/5 and 2016, and child protection outcomes over the same time period.

Nicolosi, S. - European Papers,

This paper aims to investigate the protection framework established by the Family Reunification Directive for refugees who are unaccompanied minors.

Dorte Thorsen, University of Sussex - Terre des hommes- Lausanne, ENDA and the African Movement of Working Children and Youth ,

This research brief is based on a baseline study carried out in the first phase of the Child Migrants Along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor (CORAL) project to help identify situated approaches to implementation, drawing evidence from all five countries but aiming for locally specific actions and solutions.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This document from the U.S. National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) identifies existing NCTSN resources related to traumatic separation, refugee and immigrant trauma, and best practices in trauma-informed care for refugee and immigrant children and families.

Baldassar, Loretta; Kilkey, Majella; Merla, Laura; Wilding, Raelene - Handbook of migration and globalisation,

In this chapter from the Handbook of migration and globalisation, the authors examine the relationship between family, globalisation and migration through the lens of care, focusing specifically on the experiences of transnational families.