This section includes resources and tools related to alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The aim of this Technical Note is to support child protection practitioners and government officials in their immediate response to the child protection concerns faced by children who are at risk of separation or in alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of this Technical Note is to support child protection practitioners and government officials in their immediate response to the child protection concerns faced by children who are at risk of separation or in alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dokumen Lampiran Catatan Teknis Antar-Lembaga tentang Perlindungan Anak selama Pandemi COVID-19: Anak dan Pengasuhan Alternatif ini memberikan tips yang berguna untuk mendorong keterlibatan dan partisipasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan, yang penting untuk mempertahankan berlanjutnya layanan bagi anak-anak.
Този придружаващ документ към Техническата бележка на Междуведомствената работна група относно Закрила на детето по време на пандемията КОВИД -19: Деца и алтернативна грижа Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Children and Alternative Care предоставя полезни съвети за насърчаване участието на всички заинтересовани страни, което е от ключово значение, за да не бъдат прекъснати услугите за деца.
Este documento complementar à Nota Técnica da Força-Tarefa Interagências sobre a Proteção de crianças e adolescentes durante a pandemia de COVID-19: Crianças, adolescentes e cuidados alternativos apresenta dicas úteis para promover o engajamento e a participação de todas as partes interessadas, algo crucial para a manutenção da continuidade dos serviços para crianças e adolescentes.
This note aims to provide detaining authorities with key information and steps to respond to COVID-19.
This booklet from Udayan Care provides guidance on how to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of children in child care institutions in India during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This booklet from Udayan Care provides guidance on how to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of children in child care institutions in India during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This special presentation by Barbara Fallon of the University of Toronto and Delphine Collin-Vezina of McGill University is the first in a series of free ISPCAN webinars focused on the effects of COVID-19 on children, families, and systems of care.
In this blog post, Anna Riatti - coordinator of the UNICEF Refugee and Migrant Response in Italy - describes how UNICEF is supporting refugee and migrant children in Italy in light of the COVID-19 crisis.