Alternative Care and COVID-19

This section includes resources and tools related to alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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UK Department for Education and Public Health England,

This guidance is to support the management of children and young people living in children's homes, residential special schools and colleges, and other residential facilities during the COVID-19 crisis.

World Health Organization,

This interim guidance is for Long-term care facility (LTCF) managers and corresponding infection prevention and control (IPC) focal persons in LTCF. The objective of this document is to provide guidance on IPC in LTCFs in the context of COVID-19 to 1) prevent COVID-19-virus from entering the facility, 2) prevent COVID-19 from spreading within the facility, and 3) prevent COVID-19 from spreading to outside the facility.

Iraq Child Protection Sub-Cluster,

This guidance provides an overview of the risks associated with COVID-19 outbreak that could cause children to be left without appropriate parental care, and provides scenarios for where children may be identified as separated in Iraq due to issues related to COVID-19.

Children's Bureau, U.S. Administration for Children and Families,

This article from the Children's Bureau of the U.S. Administration for Children and Families provides information and resources on the COVID-19 crisis for child welfare workers, children involved in the child welfare system, foster care providers, and more.

Generations United,

This factsheet from Generations United provides grandparents who are raising grandchildren with resources and information on how to stay healthy, informed and connected in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The series of messages in this guidance aim at addressing the specific issues of persons deprived of their liberty during the COVID-19 pandemic, including children, with the responsible services and ministries.

Jessica K. Heldman, Margaret A. Dalton, Robert C. Fellmeth - San Diego Law Review,

This article explores the current state of child rights within the U.S. child welfare, juvenile justice, and special education systems, highlighting concerns that pre-date COVID-19 as well as recent legal implications of the pandemic.


CELCIS has gathered together important guidance, information and resources to help children and families in Scotland and the UK during the COVID-19 crisis.

Christina Wilson Remlin, Madeleine MacNeil Kinney, Daniele Gerard, Daniel Adamek - Children's Rights,

This report was developed with extensive input from LGBTQ+ young people currently or formerly in foster care, LGBTQ+ young people currently or formerly experiencing homelessness, and direct service workers. It identifies how the pandemic is amplifying some of the risks for LGBTQ+ youth in child welfare systems and propose practices to mitigate them.

Changing the Way We Care,

Pandemia COVID-19 solicită adaptarea și / sau dezvoltarea de servicii și programe pentru a continua să servim cel mai bine copiii și familiile lor în timpul acestei perioade rapid schimbătoare.