Assessment and Placement Monitoring

An assessment is the dynamic process of gathering and analysing information in order to undertake informed interventions. This can include an individual assessment of a child and family, or a situational analysis if there are large numbers of vulnerable children, e.g. in an emergency. 


Displaying 241 - 250 of 271

Regional Emergency Psychosocial Support Network,

A guidebook focusing on the assessment to be conducted when an emergency first hits or just after a major event in an armed conflict. Outlines the preparation needs of an assessment team and describes what an assessment should concentrate on.

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Detailed guidance on implementation of programs for OVC care. Includes list of technical resource contacts. Complement to the World Vision ADP Toolkit for HIV/AIDS Programming.

Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development,

This Toolkit is a companion volume to the Ugandan Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development’s OVC Training Manual. It contains practical information and tools to help Community Service Providers in Uganda translate the national OVC guidelines into action.

Scottish Executive,

Serves as an example of fostering service standards from the perspective of children, birth families, and foster caregivers

Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies,

Lists ethical “do’s and dont's” specific to Consultants/Advisors, Managers/Supervisors, and Field-Level Workers arranging and conducting Needs Assessments in disaster situations.


A brief fact sheet on the multilevel support needs of children without parental care. Includes a brief section on statistical data and examples of UNICEF action in several countries around the world.

Susan Dougherty,

A list of US programs and program approaches that influence family reunification outcomes. Relevant for social workers, policy-makers, and others involved in foster care, after care, and family reunification.

Kalanidhi Subbarao and Diane Coury,

A detailed book providing evidence-based guidelines for approaches and interventions to best mitigate the various risks confronted by OVC.

Romanian National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption,

Outlines the minimum standards for child welfare case management in Romania.

Louise Melville, The British Council, Jordan ,

Theory and practice guidance on interviewing and assessing children and families. Contains an example assessment, as well as training questions and answers on communication skills, planning, and assessment.