Assessment and Placement Monitoring

An assessment is the dynamic process of gathering and analysing information in order to undertake informed interventions. This can include an individual assessment of a child and family, or a situational analysis if there are large numbers of vulnerable children, e.g. in an emergency. 


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Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office, UK ,

This form is used to decide whether a child is in need of protection or support services, the nature of services required, and whether a more detailed assessment should be carried out.

Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office, UK,

Comprehensive guidance on undertaking an assessment of children in need and their families. It covers the principles for assessment, the process of assessing children, how to analyze and make decisions, the roles and responsibilities of various agencies, and organizational arrangements to support effective assessments.

Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office, UK ,

Age specific forms for collecting a large amount of information from a variety of sources in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the child’s needs, the parent’s capacities, and the impact of family and environmental factors.

Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office, UK,

A UK perspective on the theories and knowledge that should underpin an assessment of children in need and their families. It covers child development, parenting capacity, and family and environmental factors.

Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office UK ,

A set of questionnaires for the child or caregiver to complete on recent life events, their strengths and weaknesses, how they cope with everyday life, the condition of the home, or alcohol consumption.

Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office, UK ,

Form for recording basic information on the child and family, the services they currently access, and any required referrals for further assessment and/or services.

State of Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families,

These regulations were developed in the United States (in the state of Rhode Island) to assess all individuals who care for children away from their legal parents. It may contain useful information for organizations and countries that are developing their own regulations for foster carers.

International Community,

The Hague Convention puts forward a set of internationally recognized principles to guide states in the area of intercountry adoption.

International Foster Care Organization (IFCO),

Guidelines for foster care, developed by IFCO at a special Working Group Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand from 1-4 May 1995 in cooperation with the Department of Public Welfare, Bangkok.

Katz MH, Hampton RL, Newberger EH, Bowles RT, Snyder JC - American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,

Factors that influence the decision to remove children from their parents' care in cases of abuse and neglect were examined by reviewing hospital records of 185 children.