Child Development

Knowledge of child development is the foundation for work with children, and therefore is a requirement for all those seeking to protect children. It influences every aspect of a child from physical growth and mental abilities, to how they express emotions, think and behave. 

Displaying 161 - 170 of 484

Olson AE, Kim HK, Bruce J, Fisher PA - Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics : JDBP,

This study examined variability in problem behavior among toddlers entering new foster care placements and identified related child and parenting characteristics.

Carolyn Pape Cowan Philip A. Cowan - Journal of Family Theory & Review,

This article examines family‐based interventions designed to increase parenting effectiveness, fathers' positive involvement, and couple relationship quality, all with the goal of enhancing children's development.

Karyn Stuart - Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy,

This anecdotal story features professional and personal reflections and vignettes on the music therapy journey with a very withdrawn and isolated young boy at a place of safety in Cape Town, South Africa.

Krüger Viggo, Dag Øystein Nordanger, Brynjulf Stige - Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy,

Despite a growing interest in music therapy within child welfare practice, music therapy practices within these contexts are still under-researched in Norway. The present study takes a collaborative community music therapy practice as its point of departure.

Nguyen Ba Dat, Nguyen Van Luot, Nguyen Ha Thanh - Open Journal of Social Sciences,

Based on attachment theory, this study was conducted to analyze the contact between these children and their biological parents, and the factors affecting this contact.

Barbara Torres‐Gomez, Itziar Alonso‐Arbiol, Miriam Gallarin - Journal of Research on Adolescence,

This study examined adopted adolescents’ levels of attachment security to parents and aggressiveness as compared to those of community nonadopted adolescents and of clinical nonadopted adolescents.

Anthony Fulginiti, Amy S. He, Sonya Negriff - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study tested the hypotheses that inverse relationships would exist between connectedness in three social domains (i.e., caregiver, peers, and school) and suicidal ideation over time.

Nastassia Hajal, Blair Paley, Jolie Delja, Clarissa Gorospe, Catherine Mogil - Children and Youth Services Review,

To illustrate design and implementation of the Strategies for Enhancing Early Developmental Success (SEEDS) Preschool Program, aimed at promoting school readiness in families connected to the child welfare system, the current paper uses parent- and teacher-reported data to summarize the progress of three participating families with diverse histories and presenting issues.

Xueqi Qu, Xiaona Huang, Yuning Yang, Chenlu Yang, Qiying Song, Xiaoli Liu, Yue Huang, Chunyi Chen, Meicen Liu, Hong Zhou - The Lancet,

This study aimed to assess the specific influence of migrant mothers on early child development, especially on social–emotional problems.

Lindsay Zajac, K. Lee Raby, Mary Dozier - Child Maltreatment,

In the current study, the authors examined whether children with Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement who were in foster care had more advanced receptive vocabulary than children with CPS involvement who resided with their birth parents.