Child Development

Knowledge of child development is the foundation for work with children, and therefore is a requirement for all those seeking to protect children. It influences every aspect of a child from physical growth and mental abilities, to how they express emotions, think and behave. 

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Robert B. McCall - Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,

This chapter presents conclusions, trends, conceptual analyses, hypotheses, and speculations regarding some fundamental issues of research, practice, and policy that are largely unsettled or controversial, regarding children without permanent parental care.

FrameWorks Institute,

This toolkit presents a compendium of research on how Albertans think about the issues of early childhood development, and how to increase public support for policies and programs that support healthy child development.

Judy Furnivall, SIRCC, on behalf of Scottish Attachment in Action - Institute for Research and Innovation on Social Services,

This document stresses the importance of healthy attachments for children, especially looked after children. It provides an overview of attachment theory, presents the policy context of looked after children in Scotland, outlines the evidence on effective interventions for children in care and their families, and highlights findings and practice implications.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ,

The purpose of this paper is to give meaning and insight into some of the key drug and alcohol issues that affect children from the perspectives of the children themselves. Research shows that large numbers of children who are separated from their parents are particularly vulnerable to developing drug and alcohol problems. Special attention is paid throughout the report on children looked after by relatives, foster carers, and institutions.


This compilation provides policymakers, programme managers, non-governmental organizations and others interested in implementing family skills training programmes with a review of existing evidence-based family skills training programmes. Its purpose is to provide details of the content of such programmes, the groups targeted, the materials used and the training implemented, in order to assist users in selecting the programme best suited to their needs and to offer guidance as to the kind of programmes available.

Child Trends ,

A new Child Trends fact sheet examines the role that programs for older youth can play in promoting positive development and subsequent self-sufficiency in adulthood.

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child,

This in-depth working paper explains how genes and the environment interact, and gives recommendations for ways that caregivers and policymakers can effectively respond to the science.

Mira Antonyan,

The study covers all residential child care institutions operating in Armenia, with the purpose of creating a basic baseline for further analysis required for the progressive reduction of placement of children and the development of alternative child care services. The aim of the assessment is to verify the situation of each child in relation to their families, and the respect of their entitlements related to their specific condition.

Elizabeth Fernandez ,

This paper reports research on outcomes of long term foster care from an eight year longitudinal study of foster care placements in Australia.

DFID, Help Age, Hope and Homes for Children, IDS, ILO, ODI, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and World Bank.,

Joint statement among UN agencies and NGO partners to build greater consensus on the importance of child-sensitive social protection.