Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

It is important to support children who are preparing to leave care.  This includes helping young people as they ‘age out’ of the care system and transition to independent living, as well as children planning to return home and reintegrate with their families.  In either case, leaving care should be a gradual and supervised process that involves careful preparation and follow-up support to children and families.

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Nicole Gilbertson Wilke & Amanda Hiles Howard - Children & Society,

Research suggests that children develop best in families, but millions currently reside in residential care centers. Using a mixed methods design, the current study examined (1) antecedents to transition, (2) key elements in the process and (3) outcomes of transitioning models of care.

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC),

Studiul a evaluat cunoștințele, atitudinile și practicile populației generale în ceea ce privește reintegrarea copiilor în familii, integrarea copiilor cu dizabilități în școala și comunitate și prevenirea separării copiilor care trăiesc în familii vulnerabile.

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC),

A fost efectuată o analiză de birou a studiilor de reintegrare din Moldova și a orientărilor globale pentru a identifica succesul și factorii de risc în cadrul procesului, precum și lecțiile importante învățate.

National Child Development Agency (NCDA), UNICEF,

This is a Training Module for the Inshuti z’Umuryango volunteer community-based cadre to support the implementation of the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) Programme (‘Let’s raise children in families’) led by the National Child Development Agency (NCD).

Rodrigo González-Álvarez, Mijntje ten Brummelaar, Samar Orwa, Mónica López López,

Using in-depth interviews, the present study aims to illuminate the resilience experiences of 13 LGBTQIA+ young people in out-of-home care in the Netherlands.

Annie Smith, Maya Peled, Stephanie Martin - Child Abuse & Neglect,

In Vancouver, Western Canada, 60 agencies and 20 youth from government care are working in partnership using a collective impact approach to address the systemic issues and barriers to healthy development that youth from care experience. This mixed-method evaluation included quantitative and qualitative data, collected through outcomes, diaries, surveys, and focus groups, to measure process and outcomes.

Philip Mendes - Australian Social Work,

This paper argues that the Commonwealth Government should introduce a nationally consistent extended care system that would require all jurisdictions to provide a minimum standard of support until at least 21 years of age.

Eunhye Ahn, Yolanda Gil, Emily Putnam-Hornstein - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The purpose of this study was to present an illustrative test of whether an algorithmic decision aid could be used to identify youth at risk of exiting foster care without permanency.

Borys, Sydney; Peitzmeier, Paige - Creighton University,

The purpose of this critically appraised topic was to analyze the effectiveness of transitional programming for youth leaving the foster care system on increasing abilities of community integration.

Peter Appleton, Isabelle Hung, Caroline Barratt - Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

This qualitative study addresses the question: In the context of transitioning from out-of-home care, what reflexive meanings do ‘avowedly’ self-reliant individuals attribute to current social support and social relationships?