Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

It is important to support children who are preparing to leave care.  This includes helping young people as they ‘age out’ of the care system and transition to independent living, as well as children planning to return home and reintegrate with their families.  In either case, leaving care should be a gradual and supervised process that involves careful preparation and follow-up support to children and families.

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Tonimarie Benaton, Tamsin Bowers‐Brown, Thomas Dodsley, Alix Manning‐Jones, Jade Murden, Alexander Nunn, The Plus One Community - Children & Society,

This paper reports findings from an innovative arts‐based intervention with Looked After Children and young people and concludes that holding these competing value sets in creative tension is central to the success of the programme in helping young people to cope with and contest social harm.

Catalysts for Social Action and A Future for Every Child,

This paper describes an approach to supporting young people leaving Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in India that is potentially scalable to children in all CCIs.

SOS Children's Villages International,

Through the two-year project ‘Leaving Care – An Integrated Approach to Capacity Building of Professionals and Young People’, SOS Children’s Villages, in collaboration with international project partners, aimed to train care professionals in how to apply a child rights-based approach in their work with young people leaving care and worked to strengthen support networks for young care leavers.

Yafit Sulimani-Aidan - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current exploratory study is the first to look at the challenges and barriers in this transitional life stage of 23 Israeli Arab young adults, from their own perspectives, after leaving residential care.

Laura Cordisco Tsai, Vanntheary Lim, Channtha Nhanh - Children & Society,

This article explores the perspectives of Cambodian boys who have experienced human trafficking and sexual exploitation on their experiences transitioning out of shelters and re‐entering the community.

Sarah E. Jones - National Youth-At-Risk Conference 2020 Archive,

This presentation explores the structures and programs one university system is creating for college students emerging from foster care (SEFC).


Este video describe brevemente la investigación de la Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección coordinado por DONCELque estudió cómo se dan los egresos de las y los adolescentes que crecieron bajo el sistema de protección del Estado, lejos de sus familias por haber sufrido abusos, maltratos y violencia.

UDEM, UAMX, Fundación Pequeños Gigantes Mexicanos A.C., Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección, con DONCEL, Hope and Homes for Children y UNICEF,

En este informe se presentan los resultados de la investigación llevada adelante en México que tuvo por objetivo construir información sobre las principales políticas, medidas y acciones que se desarrollan a nivel regional orientadas a acompañar el egreso de adolescentes y jóvenes del sistema de cuidados alternativos e indagar respecto de su eficacia, efectividad, sostenibilidad y adecuación a un enfoque de derechos.

Eduard Vaquero, M. Àngels Balsells, Carmen Ponce, Aida Urrea, Alicia Navajas - Social Sciences,

The aims of this article were to identify the types and characteristics of social support for families in vulnerable situations and to analyze what elements influence families’ attitudes towards these supports.

TIA Bolivia, Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección, con DONCEL, Hope and Homes for Children y UNICEF,

En este informe se presentan los resultados de la investigación llevada adelante en Bolivia que tuvo por objetivo construir información sobre las principales políticas, medidas y acciones que se desarrollan a nivel regional orientadas a acompañar el egreso de adolescentes y jóvenes del sistema de cuidados alternativos e indagar respecto de su eficacia, efectividad, sostenibilidad y adecuación a un enfoque de derechos.