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El presente informe de sistematización tiene como propósito hacer accesible la información producida en la Cumbre de la etapa final del análisis transversal del sistema de protección de la niñez, y ser una herramienta de comunicación y planificación al servicio de las instituciones públicas que formaron parte de este proceso.
This comprehensive Strategic Plan expounded on the implementation priorities and modalities towards the achievement of the Department of Social Welfare (DSW)’s mandate which leads to the promotion of an operative welfare system in Ghana.
This publication presents the latest available country data and global and regional estimates of the number of unregistered children.
This Country Care Review includes the care-related concluding observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.
This article elaborates on provisions concerning the international protection system for minor migrants. It examines entry strategies put into place by young migrants facing the Spanish migration system.
This descriptive policy analysis examines the position of infants’ rights in the family service orientated child welfare systems of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden when being placed in out-of-home care.
On November 20 and 21 Member States of the UN General Assembly participated in a High-level meeting on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. During the general debate, number of delegates made reference to the theme of the 2019 UNGA Resolution in the Rights of the Child which focuses on children without parental care, the Anniversary of the Guidelines on the Alternative Care of Children, and work in support of children without parental care.
This report reviews the government of Bangladesh’s progress to create the minimum conditions in law and policy needed to end violence against children.
En conmemoración del décimo aniversario de la adopción de las Directrices sobre las modalidades alternativas de cuidado de los niños, este folleto de Aldeas Infantiles SOS Internacional informa a los niños, niñas y jóvenes sobre su derecho a vivir en un entorno familiar de acuerdo con las Directrices.
Marking the 10th anniversary of the adoption of Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, this booklet from SOS Children's Villages International informs children and young people about their right to live in a supportive family environment in accordance with the Guidelines.