Child Care and Protection Policies

Child care and protection policies regulate the care of children, including the type of support and assistance to be offered, good practice guidelines for the implementation of services, standards for care, and adequate provisions for implementation. They relate to the care a child receives at and away from home.

Displaying 31 - 40 of 1749

Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, Ethiopia,

Recognizing the increasing number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and the need to provide standardized and quality alternative childcare and support services, The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs (MOWSA) in collaboration wit

Tshering Dolkar,

This article explores the existing policies and services that are prevalent in Bhutan that are enhancing childcare and protection. It also tries to bring forth the good practices that are currently in place and how it can be strengthened further by addressing challenges within the system. It also provides insight into history and evolution, and role of stakeholders involved in alternative care in the country.

Eurochild, UNICEF,

In this policy brief published by Eurochild and UNICEF, researchers assess the 20 available European Child Guarantee National Action Plans (NAPs) and issue recommendations to examine their coverage of children in alternative care.

Collaborative on Global Children's Issues and the Georgetown University Center for Child, Human Development,
    Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children's Issues, CRS, CTWWC,

    During this webinar, participants explored the theological dimensions of child-family separation. Is there a theology of the child within the Christian faith? How has the care and protection of children been understood within Catholic social teaching?

    Child Identity Protection (CHIP),

    Deneisha Moss, Programme Lead for Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Children’s Programme at CHIP explains the importance of protection the identity rights of children.

    UNICEF, Rwanda National Child Development Agency,

    This case study details,how IZU Emmanuel and Genevieve supported a young person living with disabilities in Kamonyi district, Rwanda.

    UNICEF, Rwanda National Child Development Agency,

    This brief outlines the background to, rationale for, and objectives of the ‘Inshuti z’Umuryango’ (IZU) or ‘Friends of the Family’ programme in relation to Rwanda’s wider child protection strategy. 

    UNICEF, Rwanda National Child Development Agency,

    In this case study IZU Cyriaque supports a grandparent-headed household during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    UNICEF, Rwanda National Child Development Agency,

    This brief presents the results of several assessments of the ‘Friends of the Family’ or ‘Inshuti z’Umuryango’ (IZU) initiative  in Rwanda. IZU is a frontline volunteer cadre introduced in 2016 as part of Rwanda's national child protection system strengthening and care reform efforts.