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This country care profile provides an overview of key lessons learned in the children’s care reform process in Ghana, including successes, challenges and areas for progress, and gaps in learning and best practice.
Through a desk review of peer reviewed journal and “grey” literature published in English and Russian languages, this paper provides a review of current deinstitutionalization efforts in the region, identifies potential challenges, describes the need for economic empowerment interventions, and outlines directions for future research.
As part of the work of the BCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Initiative, the National Commission for Children in partnership with BCN, and Save the Children convened a national consultative workshop in Kigali, Rwanda on 26 and 27 November 2014. This report presents a summary of the main priority outcomes which were identified by participants during the meeting, including: evidence building and sharing, strengthening advocacy, and strengthening capacity.
As part of its Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Initiative, BCN, along with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) and the National Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) – an interagency platform of national child protection stakeholders - convened a national consultative workshop on 11 and 12 November 2014. This report from the workshop presents the priorities for action identified by the workshop participants, including: strengthening capacity for family strengthening and alternative care, evidence building and sharing, and strengthening advocacy.
On 10 September 2014, UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria co-hosted a high level Lunchtime Discussion on The right of children below three years to live in a caring and supportive family environment: examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The discussion took place on the margins of the September meeting of the UNICEF Executive Board and brought together over 80 participants, including members of the UNICEF Executive Board, representatives of the Permanent Missions to the UN from the CEE/CIS region, international organizations, NGOs, high level UNICEF and National Committee staff.
On 10 September 2014, UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria co-hosted a high level Lunchtime Discussion on The right of children below three years to live in a caring and supportive family environment: examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In its presentation at the discussion, Kazakhstan demonstrated how the integration of social workers and outreach services in the health sector is reducing baby abandonment in pilot areas of the country.
El presente Informe, por la Comisión Inter-Americana de los Derechos Humanos, establece los estándares aplicables en el derecho de los niños a vivir en una familia y formula una serie de recomendaciones concretas a los Estados para apoyar a las familias en sus responsabilidades de crianza.
On 10 September 2014, UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria co-hosted a high level Lunchtime Discussion on The right of children below three years to live in a caring and supportive family environment: examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The discussion took place on the margins of the September meeting of the UNICEF Executive Board and brought together over 80 participants, including members of the UNICEF Executive Board, representatives of the Permanent Missions to the UN from the CEE/CIS region, international organizations, NGOs, high level UNICEF and National Committee staff.
This document reports on an Institutional Learning Process that has critically analysed the impact and effectiveness of Terre des hommes’ (Tdh) engagement in Albania over the last 14 years. It looks at the role Tdh has played in the emergence of a State Child Protection System (CPS) in Albania.
This capacity building plan supports the implementation of the Liberian Guidelines for Kinship Care, Foster Care and Supported Independent Living.