Child Care and Protection System Reforms

Social welfare sector reform is increasingly common, particularly in transitional countries in Central and Eastern Europe.  Increasing attention has been paid to the development of preventive community based child and family welfare programs that would, in coordination with health and education programs and social assistance, provide a range of support for vulnerable families.   

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United Nations,

У цьому звіті Незалежна міжнародна слідча комісія по Україні посилатиметься на висновки щодо подій наприкінці лютого та в березні 2022 року в чотирьох областях: Київській, Чернігівській, Харківській та Сумській, відповідно до вимог резолюції S-34/1 Ради з прав людини. 

United Nations,

In this report, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine will refer to findings about events during late February and March 2022 in the four regions of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Sumy, as requested by Human Rights Council resolution S-34/1. 

United Nations,

В этом отчете Независимая международная комиссия по расследованию событий в Украине будет ссылаться на выводы о событиях в конце февраля и марте 2022 года в четырех областях: Киевской, Черниговской, Харьковской и Сумской, как того требует резолюция Совета по правам человека S-34/1.

Changing the Way We Care,

This report details Changing the Way We Care's enquiry into the faith-based community in Moldova and its involvement in the ongoing reform of care for vulnerable children. 

Changing the Way We Care,

În primăvara anului 2021, programul Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) a lansat un sondaj pentru a studia comunitatea de credință din Moldova și implicarea acesteia în reforma sistemului de îngrijire a copiilor. Scopul acestui sondaj a fost de a înțelege mai bine angajamentul actual și potențial al organizațiilor și liderilor de credință în calitate de persoane de influență și furnizori de servicii, dar și de a identifica orice obstacole în calea implicării acestora în reforma respectivă.

Regional Learning Platform on Care Reform in Eastern and Southern Africa, UNICEF ESARO, Changing the Way We Care ,

The video provides key lessons learnt from COVID-19 on care reform from interviews with UNICEF, government and NGO staff in Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi and Kenya.

Regional Learning Platform on Care Reform in Eastern and Southern Africa, UNICEF ESARO, Changing the Way We Care,

This video is aimed at policy makers and programme managers just starting on the care reform journey. 

ESARO Regional Learning Platform on Care Reform, CTWWC,

The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform hosted a webinar on September 20, 2022, with panel of experts who explored how the social service workforce can be strengthened to support care reform in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Ramya Subrahmanian, Manahil Siddiqi, Nicole Petrowski, Claudia Cappa,

This brief provides an overview of the data and evidence gaps on violence against children in East Asia and the Pacific. It calls for greater attention to generating, sharing and applying quality data and evidence to protect the safety and rights of children within the region.

Changing the Way We Care, Lumos,

This practical manual was designed for practitioners and service managers who want to build their knowledge and skills on meaningful participation.