Social Protection Policies and Programmes

Poverty affects both the quality and length of children’s lives, reduces the ability of families to adequately provide for their children, and is a significant cause of family breakdown and child separation. Social assistance programmes aim to reduce child poverty and act as a safety net for families with minimal resources.

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Unite for Children; Unite Against AIDS,

Offers updates, authoritative data, evidence and recommendations on key areas including prevention of mother-to-child transmission, paediatric care and treatment, preventing infection among adolescents and young people, protection, care and support for children affected by HIV and AIDS, programme monitoring and evaluation.

Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child (Moldova) and OPM/EveryChild Moldova,

The Practical Guide of the Professional Supervision Mechanism in Social Assistance was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child (Moldova), with the technical support of the "Support in the Deliver

USG Secretariat for Orphans and Vulnerable Children ,

Provides global estimates of the number of highly vulnerable children; a summary of United States Government (USG) assistance programs for highly vulnerable children; a summary of progress coordinating the response among USG agencies; key strategic issues and opportunities; priorities for 2009–2010 and beyond; and a summary of the results and achievements of USG assistance


Explores the negative impacts of loss of parental care on children. Advocates for reform for children based on assertion that failure to keep children in families, out of residential institutions and off the streets, will be another barrier to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals


Despite its importance to the poorest in society, the social welfare sector in Malawi has not been performing well. Recognising this, the Principal Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Gender, Children and Community Development (MoGCCD) requested support from United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID), who have taken a new approach: supporting the Government of Malawi (GoM) to build a better social welfare system starting at the top, within the Ministry. 

SOS Children's Villages,

First briefing paper of series, aims to share good practices and information exchange on preparation for leaving care and after care support

UNITE for Children UNITE Against AIDS,

Short video illustrating the ways social protection safeguards children and their families – including those affected by AIDS – at every level from communities to entire countries and beyond.

DFID, Help Age, Hope and Homes for Children, IDS, ILO, ODI, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and World Bank.,

Joint statement among UN agencies and NGO partners to build greater consensus on the importance of child-sensitive social protection.

Better Care Network and UNICEF Headquarters,

Policy/analysis tools for manual to assist countries in strengthening their information system around children in formal care through data collection around 15 global indicators

Jody Heymann and Rachel Kidman - AIDS Care,

This study uses recent data from published studies in sub-Saharan Africa to illustrate deficits and document community responses for children who have lost parents to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.