Displaying 351 - 360 of 460
Evaluates the need for reform within Nepal's intercountry adoption programming and the broader needs within the child protection and alternative care arenas nationally.
Mapping of existing facilities caring for children in residential capacity for use in developing child protection standards
Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Discusses the crucial need to address social vulnerability, in addition to economic vulnerability, when formulating social protection strategies
The purpose of this report is to create a strategy for assessing the status and progress of child welfare reform in CEE/CIS countries using the best available quantitative and qualitative information.
The impact of pensions on the lives of older people and grandchildren in the KwaWazee project in Tanzania’s Kagera region.
Outlines the contributions of UNICEF to national and international efforts to fulfill children’s right to protection
Outlines the contributions of UNICEF to national and international efforts to fulfill children’s right to protection.