Displaying 511 - 520 of 916
This document highlights examples of good practices in parenting and family strengthening interventions based on evaluations of programs and initiatives throughout Africa.
This report from Save the Children outlines the rapid development that takes place in the brain in the early years of life and the crucial role that caregivers play in supporting this development.
This paper discusses the style and efficacy of child preservation services for the purpose of reducing child abuse and neglect.
The United Nations, Department for Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development released the Final Report of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on "Family Policy Development: Achievements and Challenges” which was produced after the 14-15 May 2015 EGM. The meeting focused on changing families, family law reforms, violence in the family and their impact on family policy development.
This study reports on the findings from a randomized control trial of a 10-week home visiting program, Promoting First Relationships® (Kelly, Sandoval, Zuckerman, & Buehlman, 2008), for a subsample of 43 reunified birth parents of toddlers that were part of the larger trial.
This handbook authored by the World Health Organization Europe and Liverpool John Moores University – based on a series of interviews with the world's leading experts on preventing child maltreatment – provides practical information to policy-makers, practitioners and others on implementing prevention programmes. The handbook describes key principles for selecting and delivering programmes, and important practical considerations, including resources and technical support.
This two-page brief from USAID describes the “Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families” project, a project that is part of 4Children that “focuses on strengthening family care among households at high risk of children separating or where children can be reintegrated after having been placed in residential care.”
This webinar from Faith to Action Initiative presents key strategies for expanding the capacity of families to care for orphans and vulnerable children.
This annual report of the World Family Map Project shares the latest data on 16 indicators of family structure, family socioeconomics, family processes, and family culture in multiple countries as well as an original essay focusing on one important aspect of contemporary family life.
This research aimed to solicit the lived experiences of African Australian young refugee women who have experienced early motherhood in Australia.